PK 1.35 Timer Bug Fix

DC have sent us the installer for the Timer bug fix for PK 1.35 that was discussed previously. This installer removes the pain of faffing around with unzipping the file to the correct directory. You can find the fix installer HERE.

The fix seems to work perfectly when applied to servers. We are unsure whether the fix works for clients but we believe it does. This change was also baked into the 1.5 BooH release so those with the expansion should not fret.

1UP & 2404 review BooH

Bluesnews comes through yet again with linkage to 2 more BooH reviews. The first is from, and the second is from The first review unfortunately does not rate the game, but give it a solid 9/10. Go check them out by clicking these links: 1UP 2404

[M]aniek Needs You!

It must be mappers day today :). [M]aniek has posted on our forums with 2 new beta maps for you to look over. DM_Maniek1a is the larger of the two maps and is remarkably like Q3DM6 😉 The map has no item placement as yet and I guess Maniek is still tuning the geometry.

DM_Maniek2 is the second of the 2 maps and is smaller with items placed around the map as a starting point. You can find both maps linked in his forum post HERE. Please check them out and give constructive feedback. Good luck to [M]aniek!

DM_Meatless v0.2 beta

Pha3z and Tectonic have released a new DM Map for beta testing. The map is intended for duels but looks like it might squeeze a nice 2v2 in at the same time. Ive had a small run round and the map looks like it flows well. Fire it up and see what you think. You can download it HERE or from our FTP HERE.

The authors are looking for constructive feedback on the CPL forums HERE or if you prefer HERE on our forums. Please support them and give it a whirl. The more good maps we have to choose from, the better 🙂

**update** a new version of the map for 1v1 play specifically has been created. You can find it on our FTP HERE. Please provide feedback in the same places as before 🙂

Intel EEC3 Trailer Released

Intel have released a trailer for the soon to be released “Intel Extreme Edition Challenge 3 : BLOODLINE” film. The film, created by Simon Bysshe (4K^simonb) covers the LAN finals for the 2 (or was it 4 😉 ) members of the UK Painkiller playing contingent to become 4K members.

The 1:30 minute trailer is set to music alone but runs through the kind of coverage we can expect from the full film. There are interviews, gameplay from the actual tournament, an overview of DM_Sacred , overviews of the LAN environment itself and much more.

The creator of the film, Simon Bysshe had this to add:

This has been the most challenging film of the Extreme Edition Challenge series to make but I think the end result makes it by far the most exciting film yet. I cant wait for the official release on monday next week.

The variety of content & action in this film should make it of interest all gamers & not just Painkiller fans.

Im personally looking forward to hearing PKEUROs own Maniax dulcet tones captured on celluloid (is that still around?). Will we understand him? 😛

You can find the trailer on the Bloodline site hosted by Jolt HERE. The trailer itself is 4mb and is available in WMV or DIVX formats. The full film will be released on Monday 13th December @ 6pm (UK Time) and will be reviewed here.