Well Blowfish has bin on my case about writing here, but i havn’t had much time between gaming work and watching anime.
So at 3am here goes 🙂
Browsing the internet late at night i stumbled across the new Xbox version soon to be released
pic http://www.iownjoo.com/freeimghost/xenolander/hard_xboxcrystal03.jpg .
Seeing this i think it’s time i got me one.
Painkiller will be released for the Xbox aswell so i was wondering if any of the Xbox owners visiting this site will be playing painkiller on it.
Also this makes me wonder about possible differenes in the game on pc and Xbox.
I’v played the demo on my pc wich is 3gighz with a modest 128mb gf4 getting about 70 to 100 fps.
Now as far as i know the Xbox runs at 700mhz and has a gf2 or 3 video card.
This makes me wonder about how this game will run on the Xbox.
Well thats just about it for now from me,
as usual typo’s free of charge.