Day 1 with Painkiller v1.0

After a long slog gathering data on Painkiller Press Release, Impulse said he thought you might all be interested in the IRC log of the day. I’ve cut out everything except the Q&A I provided on things I found out. Hope you find it interesting. Be warned, theres quite a lot of it 🙂

[08:36] *Razorb* is that mp40 look alike weapon in the game ?
[08:37] *W4r-painkiller* no
[08:38] *Razorb* how many dm maps ? 😀
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* 6 maps
[08:38] *Razorb* kk
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* to pick from
[08:38] *Razorb* not bad
[08:38] *Razorb* 🙂
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* when starting a server
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* sec
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* 8 in total
[08:39] *W4r-painkiller* as 2 are only for pcf
[08:39] *Razorb* kk
[08:39] *Razorb* 😀
[08:39] *W4r-painkiller* so better than the 7 they said
[08:39] *Razorb* playable mp with bots ?
[08:39] *W4r-painkiller* no

[08:46] *W4r-painkiller* ace
[08:46] *W4r-painkiller* i dont get movement lag
[08:46] *Razorb* \o/

[09:09] *W4rh0g* quick load and save is implemented
[09:09] *W4rh0g* looking at the cfg atm
[09:11] *W4rh0g* no tweak.ini this time
[09:12] *gutelaunesatan* is it mixed up with the nromal config?
[09:12] *W4rh0g* no
[09:12] *W4rh0g* its not avail
[09:14] *W4rh0g* Cfg.ShowDaydreamWarning = true
[09:14] *W4rh0g* lol

[11:49] *[mess]* how about movement?
[11:50] *W4r-unavailable* movement is fine
[11:50] *W4r-unavailable* not played much yet

[11:58] *W4r-unavailable* ahhh
[11:58] *W4r-unavailable* good news
[11:58] *W4r-unavailable* shaft doesnt wave around like a cunt
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* just the end of the shaft weaves a little
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* not all of it like q3
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* 🙂

[11:59] *[mess]* W4r-unavailable it doesnt work like auto aim right?
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* i dno
[11:59] *Razorb* lol
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* no1 to shoot

[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* dm_mine looks ok
[12:05] *sergio* heh
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* medium sized map
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* very dm4ish
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* but bigger
[12:05] *sergio* cool
[12:05] *sergio* lava?
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* y
[12:05] *sergio* 🙂
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* but doesnt kill u
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* :/
[12:05] *sergio* oh
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* i hopes it would
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* cos a pu is on a walkway thru it
[12:06] *kap* W4r-unavailable are there any new bindings in menu ?
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* WOAH
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* on mine level
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* u find gold armour
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* its on some reflective oil
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* patch
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* looks mad
[12:07] *dan-_-* 🙂

[12:11] *Hutchy* what gfx card u got war
[12:11] *vrykos* lava instant death?
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* gf3 ti500
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* no vrykos
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* fraid not
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* u can stand on it
[12:11] *vrykos* :
[12:11] *vrykos* )
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* yeah not brill Hutchy
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* i had to turn gfx down to medium too
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* but hey
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* its better than nowt eh
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* 🙂
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* bbs
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* trying new map

[12:17] *madox* you have the game W4r-unavailable?
[12:17] *W4r-unavailable* yes mad
[12:17] *madox* polish version?
[12:17] *W4r-unavailable* no
[12:18] *W4r-unavailable* press release

[12:49] *W4r-unavailable* i just work on finding the demo key
[12:49] *W4r-unavailable* or command
[12:50] *vrykos* record
[12:50] *vrykos* :X)
[12:50] *vrykos* rec
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* i wish
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* tried
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* demorecord
[12:50] *vrykos* recdemo demorec
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* record demo
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* demo
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* rec
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* recdemo
[12:50] *cu3rv0* r+”tab”
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* etc etc
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* heheh
[12:50] *cu3rv0* 😛
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* i will try that
[12:51] *dan-_-* lol

[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* \o/
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* 2.1 works
[13:08] *Razorb* :D:D
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* they fixed hotkeys
[13:08] *Razorb* nice
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* only 15 secs per vid tho
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* 15 secs = 42meg
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* f00k
[13:08] *Razorb* ya
[13:09] *Razorb* its uncompressed
[13:13] *W4r-unavailable* works great
[13:13] *W4r-unavailable* just no sound
[13:13] *W4r-unavailable* and too short

[13:33] *[mess]* ping server from dos, and then tell what ping is in pk?
[13:33] *W4r-unavailable* k sec
[13:33] *[mess]* on the same server

[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* [mess]
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* 10ms is dos
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* 30 in game
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* both on server
[13:48] *Razorb* 😮
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* and at join window
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* plus
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* there is no warm up mode
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* everyone has to ready
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* b4 the ppl join
[13:49] *Razorb* 🙂
[13:49] *rapid-* what about stuff like team hud, locational features for tdm
[13:49] *[mess]* what do you mean?
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* well
[13:49] *[mess]* theres no warmup mode
[13:49] *[mess]* ?
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* u know when u join server
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* b4 u join map
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* u get the chart
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* ping
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* score
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* etc
[13:49] *[mess]* ye
[13:49] *[mess]* ?
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* on tdm server
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* theres a section
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* that shows if yer ready
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* if all r ready
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* it counts down from 5
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* and you all join
[13:50] *Razorb* 🙂
[13:50] *inimical* u ready b4 map start?
[13:50] *[mess]* but you can run around before you’ll do ready ?
[13:50] *Blowfish* sounds fair
[13:50] *inimical* so u dont spawn b4 the actaul map starts?
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* no mess
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* no runing around
[13:50] *Blindside* :/
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* unless
[13:51] *inimical* can u ghost around ^^
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* u all jump in
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* and then restart map
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* that would work
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* for warm u
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* p
[13:51] *Maniax-* ;]
[13:51] *[mess]* k
[13:51] *[mess]* :*

[13:54] *Elz* is it like qw movement?
[13:54] *W4r-pkmapping* btw
[13:54] *W4r-pkmapping* i havent seen a qwphysics variable in cfg
[13:54] * W4r-pkmapping looks again
[13:55] *inimical* which .ini was it in b4 😮
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* nope
[13:55] *Razorb* :0
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* gone
[13:55] *Razorb* 😉
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* config
[13:55] *TeoH* its in the demo cfg, but the cmd doesn’t work
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* ,ini

[14:30] *Poward* warhog how is it so far?
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* excellent
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* one or two maps a bit dodgy
[14:30] *Poward* did they include editor
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* but the rest look nice
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* no
[14:31] *zwanz* w4r hos the movement
[14:31] *zwanz* how’s
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* its fine
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* same as beta
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* smooth
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* quick
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* will be lots of fun
[14:33] *zwanz* so not the same as pressing forward constant and gain more and more speed ?
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* it is that yes
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* i didnt say it got any harder
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* 🙂
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* bh is the same
[14:34] *inim1cal* ;/
[14:34] *inim1cal* must b summat more 2 it ;o

[17:03] *cu3rv0* when u record with fraps all is going so slooow 😛
[17:03] *dan^-^* mine record + plays slow
[17:04] *dan^-^* is he recording demos then?
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* cu3rv0
[17:05] *ozzie^* picture it like this. your playing a game and while doing that you are grapping video
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* when using fraps 2.1
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* hardley lags
[17:05] *cu3rv0* *- here
[17:05] *dan^-^* there u go
[17:05] *ozzie^* that is going to take lots of power
[17:05] *dan^-^* W4r-pkmapping what u using/
[17:05] *dan^-^* ?
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* fraps 2.1 demo
[17:05] *cu3rv0* worst than 2.0?
[17:05] *dan^-^* where did u get it?
[17:05] *cu3rv0* without grabbing sound fraps runs better
[17:05] *dan^-^* nm
[17:06] *W4r-pkmapping* better than 2.0
[17:06] *W4r-pkmapping* 2.0 wont work with pk
[17:06] *cu3rv0* 🙁
[17:06] *cu3rv0* then that was the problem 🙁

[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* i been busy drawing the layout of illuminati
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* its fuckin big
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* and on 3 levels
[17:17] *cu3rv0* tdm?
[17:17] *{ebola}* :))
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* makes it tough to draw
[17:17] *rapid-* your actually drawing the layout by hand?
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* no
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* visio
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* so it looks good
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* 🙂
[17:17] *Blowfish* [mess] ? :p
[17:18] *rapid-* still, bit much effort wise, no other way to get an overview?
[17:18] *Blowfish* w4r is our eyes
[17:18] *rapid-* gj tho 🙂
[17:18] *W4r-pkmapping* rapid-
[17:18] *Poward* war try using noclip to get overview
[17:18] *W4r-pkmapping* its for my reviews
[17:19] *W4r-pkmapping* u get upfront vids tho
[17:19] *rapid-* i know 🙂
[17:19] *zwanz* dray a map?
[17:19] *zwanz* draw
[17:19] *zwanz* whaat u mean?
[17:19] *W4r-pkmapping* u will see
[17:19] *W4r-pkmapping* next week
[17:19] *rapid-* like a blueprint zwanz, so we can see the layout
[17:19] *Blowfish* zwanz [17:22] *W4r-pkmapping* visio *– this is what he means here
[17:19] *satanhateraway* W4r-pkmapping ypou made the dm_fragenstein overview with visio?
[17:20] *rapid-* ;]
[17:20] *zwanz* but why we need blueprints? ;* like a 2d paint everview of the map isnt that a bit to pr0 if the game isnt released yet?
[17:20] *{ebola}* mm, can anybody tell me anything about mp movement, how it differs from sp-demo
[17:20] *Blowfish* zwanz whats with the spaces?
[17:20] *zwanz* i dont know ;*
[17:21] *satanhateraway* well, he made it very good, a 2doverview with marks in it, where the screenshots belong to
[17:21] *zwanz* all the efford for a game thats gonna be released in 10 days or less? :O
[17:21] *rapid-* i though it was a good idea 🙂
[17:21] *Blowfish* also tieing up the plan with the movie is useful too 🙂
[17:21] *Blowfish* to get a feeling for the map
[17:21] *W4r-pkmapping* zwanz
[17:21] *W4r-pkmapping* not every1 buys it day 1
[17:21] *W4r-pkmapping* this is for the reviews i promised on the webby
[17:22] *zwanz* ah like that
[17:22] *zwanz* ok
[17:22] *zwanz* 😉
[17:22] *zwanz* i thought u gonna make TDM / 1v1 maps including all the items and spawnpoints
[17:22] *zwanz* ;|*
[17:22] *W4r-pkmapping* make?
[17:22] *W4r-pkmapping* lol
[17:22] *zwanz* draw
[17:22] *zwanz* 😉

[17:27] *tm-InFeRn0^* when will the game be released in holland
[17:28] *W4rh0g* still the 9th afaik
[17:28] *tm-InFeRn0^* nice

[17:31] *z3on* no demo ability?
[17:31] *z3on* :/
[17:31] *z3on* that sux
[17:31] *W4rh0g* i cant find command z3on
[17:31] *W4rh0g* theres a play command
[17:31] *W4rh0g* “demo” tries to play a demo
[17:31] *W4rh0g* just cant find command to fuckin record one
[17:31] *W4rh0g* 🙂
[17:34] *zwanz* w4rhog
[17:34] *zwanz* try demorec
[17:34] *W4rh0g* i have
[17:34] *zwanz* command
[17:34] *zwanz* in ut its demorec
[17:34] *zwanz* k
[17:34] *zwanz* record
[17:34] *zwanz* rec

[21:05] *W4rh0g* guys
[21:05] *W4rh0g* just finished a hour or so MP session with PCF
[21:05] *W4rh0g* and i have to say
[21:05] *W4rh0g* it fuckin rocks
[21:05] *W4rh0g* your gonna love it
[21:05] *W4rh0g* voosh is great
[21:05] *Maniax-* 🙂
[21:06] *W4rh0g* the pu’s aint obvious yet
[21:06] *W4rh0g* still workin em out
[21:07] *kSeon* so buy it immediatly?
[21:07] *kSeon* what you say
[21:07] *kSeon* 🙂
[21:07] *W4rh0g* idd
[21:07] *[mess]* what dmg does stake?
[21:07] *W4rh0g* well
[21:07] *W4rh0g* loki owned me quite a few times with it
[21:07] *W4rh0g* when i had no armour
[21:07] *W4rh0g* its dead in one shot
[21:07] *kSeon* 😐
[21:07] *W4rh0g* but its tough to hit
[21:07] *kSeon* serious ? :/
[21:07] *W4rh0g* yes
[21:07] *kSeon* railgun style ?
[21:07] *relic* it’s like qw rocket
[21:08] *W4rh0g* stake doesnt work like that
[21:08] *relic* can spawnfrag with it
[21:08] *relic* but it’s like, a lot harder to use
[21:08] *relic* ;
[21:08] *relic* due to delay
[21:08] *kSeon* i c
[21:08] *W4rh0g* idd
[21:09] *kSeon* and what bout other weaps ?
[21:09] *W4rh0g* u not seen em?
[21:09] *[mess]* whats with ssg?
[21:09] *W4rh0g* well
[21:09] *W4rh0g* nitro
[21:09] *W4rh0g* with sg
[21:09] *W4rh0g* ie combo
[21:09] *W4rh0g* kills quick
[21:09] *W4rh0g* but is a pain to use
[21:09] *[mess]* ?
[21:09] *kSeon* i have seen em
[21:09] *relic* ah yea, bryn what is this ice thing
[21:09] *kSeon* but i mean
[21:10] *relic* in mp? surely can’t be used?
[21:10] *kSeon* what bout dmg/rof
[21:10] *[mess]* btw
[21:10] *W4rh0g* yeah it is
[21:10] *[mess]* is there lg combo in pk?
[21:10] *relic* to what effect tho/
[21:10] *W4rh0g* lg combo idd
[21:10] *W4rh0g* well relic
[21:10] *Maniax-* the lg combo is same as SP
[21:10] *W4rh0g* tbh with u
[21:10] *[mess]* :[[[[[[[[[[[
[21:10] *[mess]* omg
[21:10] *[mess]* its so fucked then :[
[21:10] *Maniax-* nah
[21:10] *W4rh0g* i couldnt hit them v often with the nitro/sg
[21:10] *W4rh0g* hehehe
[21:10] *W4rh0g* its fuckin tough
[21:10] *W4rh0g* mess
[21:10] *Maniax-* sg secondry is like plasma gun in q3
[21:10] *relic* what sorta weapon is nitro?
[21:10] *kSeon* talk english pls :p
[21:11] *relic* ah right
[21:11] *relic* cool
[21:11] *W4rh0g* its a freeze type wep
[21:11] *kSeon* no short names of guns
[21:11] *kSeon* :p
[21:11] *W4rh0g* altho it doesnt freeze
[21:11] *relic* what does it do
[21:11] *W4rh0g* it slows em
[21:11] *relic* ah good
[21:11] *W4rh0g* a little
[21:11] *relic* really?
[21:11] *relic* hmm
[21:11] *W4rh0g* then u whack em
[21:11] *W4rh0g* not for long
[21:11] *W4rh0g* from the limited hit i made
[21:11] *W4rh0g* 🙂
[21:11] *kSeon* hmm
[21:11] *kSeon* what bout lvl’s ?
[21:11] *relic* levels look nice from what i’ve seen
[21:12] *W4rh0g* yeah
[21:12] *W4rh0g* well
[21:12] *relic* you played on that outdoor cobblestone one?
[21:12] *W4rh0g* DM_mine is a fun level
[21:12] *W4rh0g* u mean the one in the ss ?
[21:12] *W4rh0g* with DC
[21:12] *relic* yyes
[21:12] *W4rh0g* thats DM_illuminati
[21:12] *W4rh0g* i done a review on that
[21:12] *[mess]* W4rh0g what about netcode?
[21:12] *W4rh0g* the vids are linked on the webby
[21:12] *kSeon* and what bout your fps cuz gfx are pretty neet
[21:12] *W4rh0g* netcode is fine
[21:13] *[mess]* 🙂
[21:13] *relic* wbat do you ping bryn?
[21:13] *W4rh0g* i was pinging 30 then
[21:13] *W4rh0g* sweet as a nut
[21:13] *relic* hmm nice
[21:13] *W4rh0g* [mess]
[21:13] *relic* how is the lg?
[21:13] *[mess]* what connection you got?
[21:13] *W4rh0g* air movement extended a little
[21:13] *W4rh0g* adsl
[21:13] *W4rh0g* lg is kewl relic
[21:13] *[mess]* but what adsl/
[21:13] *kSeon* fps ?
[21:13] *[mess]* 🙂
[21:13] *kSeon* 😡
[21:13] *cow|impulse* is the lg still homing?
[21:13] *W4rh0g* 512
[21:14] *[mess]* 512/256?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* i didnt notice imp
[21:14] *[mess]* 512/128?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* 512/256
[21:14] *[mess]* damn
[21:14] *[mess]* i have 512/128
[21:14] *[mess]* :\
[21:14] *relic* won’t matter 🙂
[21:14] *W4rh0g* sure u’ll eb fine
[21:14] *W4rh0g* be
[21:14] *relic* i have 1024/256
[21:14] *[mess]* what with movement
[21:14] *W4rh0g* btw
[21:14] *nazgul* 600/128
[21:14] *W4rh0g* movement was lag free too
[21:14] *Maniax-* same here relic :*
[21:14] *cow|impulse* are the maps fun to play and do they have a good flow?
[21:14] *nazgul* whats the change in the movement?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* 800×600 on medium settings
[21:14] *nazgul* big diff?
[21:14] *[mess]* it gives you more oppurtinities for shooting?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* no problemo
[21:15] *relic* oh yea, what about the configability ?
[21:15] *kSeon* W4rh0g
[21:15] *[mess]* movemnt?
[21:15] *relic* picmip settings and stuff?
[21:15] *W4rh0g* errrr mess
[21:15] *kSeon* do you have a average fps for me ? + your specs
[21:15] *W4rh0g* there is picmip stuff
[21:15] *relic* uber
[21:15] *nazgul* what happens when you hit a ramp? :*
[21:15] *W4rh0g* on lowest settings
[21:15] *nazgul* dead stop? 😮
[21:15] *cow|impulse* are the maps fun to play and do they have a good flow?
[21:15] *W4rh0g* things look like picmip 2 or 3 to me
[21:15] *Poward1* city on water is from e3 right
[21:15] *W4rh0g* they r great fun imp
[21:16] *W4rh0g* naz
[21:16] *Poward1* cuz that build is so damn laggy
[21:16] *cow|impulse* nice
[21:16] *W4rh0g* ramp or stairs
[21:16] *[mess]* does movement gives you more opportunities for shooting while you’re in run? :O
[21:16] *nazgul* both
[21:16] *nazgul* ;*
[21:16] *W4rh0g* well
[21:16] *W4rh0g* stairs slows u RIGHT down
[21:16] *W4rh0g* ramp is a little better
[21:16] *nazgul* k
[21:16] *cow|impulse* how is the MP movement different from the SP movement?
[21:16] *W4rh0g* i can jump like fuck and still shoot peeps mess
[21:16] *kSeon* ye i noticed the slowdown on stairs in the mp leak
[21:16] *W4rh0g* its a LOT faster
[21:17] *Poward1* city on water demo, how old is that ?
[21:17] *W4rh0g* loki is working on a new map
[21:17] *cow|impulse* and the way u gain speed
[21:17] *cow|impulse* still just click when u land?
[21:17] *[mess]* ye
[21:17] *W4rh0g* yes
[21:17] *[mess]* tell me
[21:17] *[mess]* the way to gain speed
[21:17] *[mess]* is there any way to gain speed faster than forward + jump ?
[21:18] *W4rh0g* no [mess]
[21:18] *W4rh0g* not that i have found
[21:18] *[mess]* :[
[21:18] *cow|impulse* too bad 🙂
[21:18] *W4rh0g* i found i could do 180 and keep my speed tho
[21:18] *cow|impulse* i hope the game will be in shops soon
[21:18] *[mess]* everyone will move the same :[
[21:18] *cow|impulse* u made me wanna buy it W4rh0g 🙂
[21:18] *W4rh0g* imp
[21:18] *W4rh0g* its ace m8
[21:18] *W4rh0g* just spent an hour playing voosh and dm
[21:18] *W4rh0g* was great fun
[21:18] *kSeon* ye how r the game modes ?
[21:19] *W4rh0g* only tried voosh and dm so far
[21:19] *[mess]* did you play tdm?
[21:19] *W4rh0g* no
[21:19] *[mess]* eh
[21:19] *W4rh0g* not enuf ppl
[21:19] *W4rh0g* i joined a tdm server
[21:19] *[mess]* 2v2 even?
[21:19] *W4rh0g* no
[21:19] *W4rh0g* 3 peeps
[21:19] *W4rh0g* me n 2 pcf
[21:19] *[mess]* what about skins?
[21:19] *kSeon* =]
[21:19] *W4rh0g* 4 skins
[21:19] *W4rh0g* as per webby
[21:19] *[mess]* different sounds?
[21:19] *[mess]* for each
[21:19] *[mess]* ?
[21:19] *kSeon* can you lock the nme skins like in q3 ? :/
[21:19] *W4rh0g* there were some new statements
[21:19] *W4rh0g* “stylish”
[21:20] *W4rh0g* “Useless”
[21:20] *W4rh0g* etc
[21:20] *kSeon* so you see them as one skin only (the most visible) 😡
[21:20] *W4rh0g* think so kSeon
[21:20] *kSeon* great
[21:20] *kSeon* 🙂
[21:20] *kSeon* you made me wanna buy it m8

[21:22] *W4rh0g* btw
[21:22] *cow|impulse* u should post this irc log on ESR W4rh0g
[21:22] *W4rh0g* [pcf] loki working on new map
[21:22] *cow|impulse* many people will want to read it
[21:22] *kSeon* ye
[21:22] *kSeon* lot’s o info
[21:22] *cow|impulse* filter out the good stuff
[21:22] *Hungry* yep
[21:22] *W4rh0g* on ESR? *cough**splutter*
[21:22] *Maniax-* hes writing a review
[21:22] *[mess]* 🙂
[21:22] *W4rh0g* u mean
[21:22] *W4rh0g* ?
[21:23] *Hungry* on pkeuro
[21:23] *kSeon* :]
[21:23] *W4rh0g* 😉
[21:23] *cow|impulse* also fine
[21:23] *Hungry* then link on esr 😉
[21:23] *cow|impulse* but make a post in the comments
[21:23] *cow|impulse* 🙂
[21:23] *cow|impulse* ye
[21:23] *W4rh0g* yeah ok
[21:23] *cow|impulse* looking forward to it l:)
[21:23] *W4rh0g* i stick it in my column
[21:23] *cow|impulse* include all the stuff we asked :p
[21:23] *W4rh0g* i will
[21:24] *cow|impulse* oh yeah
[21:24] *cow|impulse* one more question
[21:24] *W4rh0g* ?
[21:24] *cow|impulse* what extras does it have like demo recording, mvd, gtv or other stuff?
[21:24] *W4rh0g* well
[21:24] *cow|impulse* built-in
[21:24] *W4rh0g* so far i couldnt find the demo record command
[21:24] *W4rh0g* gonna email loki now tho
[21:24] *cow|impulse* ok
[21:24] *W4rh0g* as far as i can see
[21:24] *W4rh0g* theres no gtv etc

And thats the lot. Hope it was at least a little interesting 🙂