Refresh Rates

This is quite obvious, and I apologise to those who already take this foregranted, but I think a lot of people forget to do this and dont have PK running at a comfortable refresh rate for their eyes.

To set the monitor refresh rate, you need to access the display control panel (either by right clicking and selecting properties, or via display in control panel). Find the manufacturer specific options for refresh rates. These are normally under Settings|Advanced|Nvidia/ATI blah.

You should be able to find the following page:

Select the resolution in PK you want to use and set the refresh rate (this assumes you know what your monitor can handle… beware about damaging your hardware).

I find 120Hz PK a lot more comfortable to look at than the default (which I think is 85Hz).

I hope this helps people 🙂


Just a quick word about our servers. They are now up and running on the gamemode TDM, and a maxconnect of 2. Our servers are provided by our sponsor ukgamer and are run on top of the range hardware, so they should be pretty stable. The Ips are:

PKEURO.COM [1]|14ms|
PKEURO.COM [2]|21ms|

The servers are located in the United Kingdom, so they should provide fairly decent pings to most of europe. There will be a 3rd server up fairly soon also from what I gather. More details on that one soon.

New BOOH Screenshots and Info

The official Painkiller website has published four level screenshots from the development of the forthcoming BOOH SP add-on.

The maplist is The Orphange, Loony Park, Dead City, Leninggrad, Underwater Temple, Apocalyptic City, Pirate Caves, Lab, and Coliseum.

loony2small.jpg orphanage2small.jpg leningrad2.jpg

You can find the info here, in the expansion pack section, where you can also find out about the new monsters and storyline behind the expansion.