PKEURO Tourney Movie

The promised movie made from demos of the 16 player invitational tournament PKEURO ran a few weeks ago is now finished. The movie shows the best frags of all matches, and is nicely edited to fit. The movie is made by PKEUROs Cu3rv0, and weighs in at around 90 megs, and is roughly about 3 minutes 30 seconds long.

You can download the movie here.

Enjoy, I know I did. 🙂

Free inet @ CPL winter BYOC!

The CPL announced;

“The Planet Providing Connectivity

Press Center | Sunday, November 21, 2004

The_PlanetThe CPL announced that The Planet will be offering free Internet connectivity to BYOC attendees of this Winter’s Extreme Winter Championships.

The Planet will offer four (4) T1 lines for BYOC, and an additional T1 dedicated to registered media. This is the most connectivity ever offered at a CPL event hosted at the Hyatt Regency.

The Planet provides Internet and hosting services and solutions for small businesses and multinational corporations. With unparalleled expertise, industry-leading service and cutting-edge technologies, The Planet is focused on the delivery of customer-driven web hosting, telecommunications solutions and award winning customer service.”

Good news for everyone going to CPL winter 😀