DM_HydeDM1 Released

Mr_Hyde has been busy beavering away and has released his first map for our enjoyment. Ive had a run around and it looks very nicely put together. The different textures are types of effects he has used blend nicely together. I always was a sucker for DM_Mine type textures 🙂

Whats left now is for everyone to play some proper 1v1 (or maybe even 2v2) on the map and let us know your thoughts. If anyone can put the map on a public server for playtest, please let us know here. You can download the map by clicking one of the pictures below.

dm_hydedm1 dm_hydedm1 dm_hydedm1

Mr_Hyde is now working on his new map Darkwood_Forest3 about which you can find his forum post HERE. Good work Mr_Hyde!

Good work chaps!!

Announcement by the CPL today:

Today, the CPL publicly recognized the invaluable contributions of Timo “Cubik” Hanninen and Vikto “Worre” Liljeblad for creating an excellent tournament mod for Painkiller.

Both Cubik and Worre provided an exceptional level of support to the CPL and created the tournament mod in a very short period of time. Without their support the flawlessly run Painkiller tournament could have encountered insurmountable obstacles.

We’re pleased the CPL took the time to recognise these two gents. It’s true to say that without their motivation and efforts, the CPL tournament would have suffered. Well done!