PK & Battle Out of Hell Wrap Up

RPGVault are hosting an interesting write up by Robert Stevenson on his thoughts for Painkiller and Battle Out Of Hell. It is certainly a good read and well worth your time looking over if you want to know what the main man at DC thinks of the project.

Heres a snippet of his thoughts on Multiplayer development for Booh:

Even though we did not make too many changes, there was some evolution in the multiplayer code that went beyond the original scope. Because of the continued interest in the game from a multiplayer standpoint, we had mapped out a plan of refining the code base and offering new content for players well into late summer. Along the way, particularly after looking at feedback from the various content drops, the interest level in seeing more from the multiplayer continued. With the ramp-up to the CPL winter event, the recently announced CPL World Tour, the push from the online community and the teams desires, Battle Out of Hell shipped with a host of multiplayer improvements and deeper code reworking. The end result from version 1.0 (Painkiller) to 1.5 (Battle Out of Hell) is quite solid in terms of not only content, but also in the smoothness of play.

As some people in the community know, a good deal of effort was put in by some in the beta testing of Multiplayer prior to BooH being released. Robert mentions this briefly:

we had a wonderful layer of local testing at People Can Fly, and another l with a small crew of terrific fans, and finally, the full functional and compatibility testing at DreamCatcher. While this process is certainly more hectic to keep track of, it did pay off for us.

Its nice to get a mention in the article for those of you involved in that testing, even if it is only a small mention.

You can find the whole report on RPGVault HERE.

Winter CPL GUI Ready

The Winter CPL GUI is available for download, thanks to worre & cubik. There was a lot of confusion as to whether it would be used or not, as yar from the Chains.Mod team had made a mod also. Unfortunately for yar though, his mod was not compatible with the CPL timer fix, so it had to get scrapped. Below you can find what Cubik had originally posted in the minor news section.

It’s done now. After yar forgot to add the timer fix to his mod and then disappeared again, we had to work all last night to get our mod ready for competitive play. But I guess it paid off, since it will be used in this CPL Winter.

Now, I guess it’s time for you to remove your minimod and have a test on the cpl mod which you can download here & download the language fix for it here.


NOTE: this is for painkiller 1.35.

For more information please visit their mod page here.

Painkiller CPL MOD *UPDATE*

Its done now. After yar forgot to add the timer fix to his mod and then disappeared again, we had to work all last night to get our mod ready for competitive play. But I guess it paid off, since it will be used in this CPL Winter.

Now, I guess its time for you to remove your minimod and have a test on the cpl mod which you can download from . READ THE TEXT-FILE BEFORE INSTALLING.

NOTE: this is for painkiller 1.35.

*** UPDATE ***
If you have another version of PK than the English language one, download language fix for CPL Mod here:

Caption Compo Winner

We have discussed the entries and decided that our winner is…. Vrykos!!! Thanks to all those who entered funny captions. Especially to our US readers who added a lot of good captions but were unfortunately not able to compete for the prize. We certainly had a good laugh reading the entries and it was difficult to pick a winner. Special mention to Cripple for the longest ever caption 😉

Vrykos, please email me your details and Ill send you your copy of BooH pronto.

Caption Compo Winna!

PKEURO CPL Predictions

As the CPL grows nearer, PKEURO have took the liberty to give our top 5 predictions for the Painkiller tournament.

Blowfish said:

1) fnatic\Vo0
2) Stermy
3) Fatal1ty
4) SK|SteLam
5) cK|Carnage

Hutchy said:

1) fnatic\Vo0
2) SK|SteLam
3) Stermy
4) e|Ztrider
5) Fatal1ty

maniax said:

1) fnatic\Vo0
2) Stermy
3) e|Ztrider
4) alien|m0erser
5) SK|SteLam

We will try and keep our news updated as much as possible with scores and news once the CPL starts. So keep checking back! Good luck guys & make this an event to remember!