DM_1v1_meatless Version 0.6

The map is nearing a final release and is really shaping up. If you look hard enough in the CPL forum, you can see that notable players like zyz, SteLam, Ztrider, and wreck have praised the map and even said they would like to see it used in the CPL World Tour.

Artwork on the map is still incomplete although many updates have been made in this regard. For example, there is no lighting done on the map, so every texture is equally bright. Also, the teleports are not done.

Tectonic and pha3z are looking for feedback on the CPL forum located HERE


-Outdoor spawn points moved to locations with faster exits from the room
-Spawn point added to vent next to shotgun
-Spawn point added below vents in 25/25hp room
-Moved teleport spawn in central room out from underneath catwalk
-Total of 7 spawn points on the map now
-Optimized geometry for Battle out of Hell play
-Re-tweaked teleports
-Tons of texturing added
-Other artistic geometry added
-Much more has changed visually than the length of the list indicates!

Download link:

DM_Meatless 1v1 DM_Meatless 1v1 DM_Meatless 1v1

PainKiller Invite Tournament

Im very sorry for plugging GotFrag again, but…

The GotFrag PainKiller Invite Tournament is back, starting at Wednesday, January 19th 7pm.


1. fnatic\gellehsak
2. u5|cha0ticz
3. LoSt-CaUsE
4. dj`
5. brett`
6. wr3ck
7. [3D]-wombat
8. geoff
9. Ironson
11. InFlow
12. u5|fireblade
13. m2-lavak3
14. Ubermeng
15. Mouse
16. actiQ

Final standings:
1. fnatic.gellehsak
2. u5|cha0ticz
3. [3D]-brett
5. dj
6. vis[pk]-wreck
7-8. [3D]-wombat, InFlow
9-12. Ironson, m2-lavak3, [id]-geoff, LoSt-CaUsE
13-16. Mouse, Ubermeng, u5|Fireblade, actiQ

More info: