first-gaming picks up 3

The First-Gaming e-Sports team picks up three more players for their Painkiller squad. Rezah was the only player left after MaddoG transferred to Serious Gaming (, and will now be reinforced by Appz, sev1 and C_Lains. All three players were formally members of #gmex.

“We switched to First-Gaming due to their more stable management and mature approach to players and sponsors.”
– first-sev1

Complete first Painkiller squad:

  • Ricardo “Rezah” Kloth
  • Christian “CLains” Lains
  • Jesse “sev1” Groenendaal
  • Kirk “Appz” Preston

First-Gaming | #first-gaming @

DM_Sacred_booh Version 0.1 Beta

Version: Beta 0.1


-Replaced rocket pack by BA with SMG weapon
-Changed minigun ammo to SMG ammo: 30 ammo per box
-Swapped boltgun for SG in MH room
-Placed 3 boltgun ammo packs: 22 ammo per box?
-Added a SG by pad in SA room
-Removed sky because it was causing a crazy bug

The purpose of this is to test the idea of replacing the minigun ammo on a map with SMG+SMG ammo. The idea is that it takes a bit of emphasis off of the RL/Chain weapon control, allows for a greater chance of picking up a weapon upon spawning (slightly reduced spawn kills perhaps?), and creates a couple new weapons for a player to control and think about while playing. Heck, it might be more fun to play as a newbie also.. it’s pretty upsetting when you come into PK the first time and all you get to do is run around with a stake launcher because there are no RLs to pick up.

Feel free to test the map on my server, “Tectonic’s 1v1.” The password is scrim. Share this password with whomever you like! The server would be public if I could afford to pay for it ;).

Tell me what you think.. I left the major item placement alone and just added in the weapons and ammo basically. Sorry, but the sky had to go! The weirdest bug I’ve ever seen appeared when I first modified the map.. removing the sky fixed it, so that’s the way it is. I suspect most of you don’t use the sky anyway.


Painkiller Gold is Gold!

DreamCatcher sends word of the following announcement:

DreamCatcher Games announces Painkiller: Gold Edition

Toronto, Canada – February 9, 2005 – DreamCatcher Games today announced Painkiller: Gold Edition, a special edition package for Computer Gaming World’s “Single-Player Shooter of the Year,” Painkiller. Available in March 2005, the special DVD set will include both the award winning original version and its expansion pack, Battle out of Hell.

As a special bonus, the DVD will also contain a “Making-Of” video feature with developer interviews, the Painkiller title track music video by rock band Mech, the upcoming Painkiller Xbox® trailer, Mapping/Editing tools and documentation, as well as over a dozen Cyberathlete® Professional League (CPL) enhancements.

“As the official title of the CPL World Tour, Painkiller is speeding along on its journey of becoming an extremely successful franchise,” says Byron Gaum, Product Manager at DreamCatcher. “With the Gold Edition, we are excited to offer gamers everything the original game had to offer, as well as the added features from the expansion.”

The storyline

Trapped in a dark and unwelcoming world awaiting purification for earthly sins, players must fight through an endless number of enemy warriors as they attempt to stop the imminent unholy war and overthrow Lucifer. But even if they win this insane battle, players must still take out hoards of howling devils, eager to avenge their master.

Game features:

FRANTIC SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN: 34 levels of non-stop action crowded with 80 different enemy species and gigantic final bosses.

ADRENALINE FUELED GAMEPLAY: Blast your way through 15 maps and 7 Multiplayer modes using 14 incredible weapons, including the mythical Painkiller, named “Best Weapon” as part of Computer Gaming World’s ‘2004 Games of the Year.’

IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE: furious soundtrack and real-life physics using the worlds most advanced physic engine Havok 2.0.

STATE-OF-THE-ART GRAPHICS: thanks to the updated PAIN engine, pin hyper detailed enemies to the walls or blow everything up in completely unique and varied environments including the highly acclaimed “Hell” level.

Painkiller Gold