PKEURO presents PK++ 0.8

Today, PK++ 0.8 has been released. This update has several new features like warmup damage, PK Rocket Jump Fix (only in ProPlus mode), some low graphics settings, … Please bear in mind 0.8 is still a beta version. I suggest you to read to readme located in \Bin\PK++Documentation.ZIP. If you have questions/suggestions, contact us at Read the full list of fixes and features below:

ADD: WarmUp damage, 100/200, item pickup, infinite ammo, all weapons – \warmupdamage 0/1
ADD: ProPlus PK Rocket Jump fix! \rocketfactor and \rocketfactororder. Test differences on dedicated server. See included document and readme.
ADD: \serverpassword – sets server password.
ADD: Advanced PiTaBOT Scorebot Support –
ADD: MOTD Support for servers. Set in Cfg.MOTD, semicolon for line return
ADD: Hitsounds / killsounds in spectator HUD
ADD: Console commands/netsettings gui disable, Cfg.TournamentSettings = true/false
ADD: Low graphics settings –
ADD: NoExplosions [0/1]
ADD: NoBlood [0/1]
ADD: NoGibs [0/1]
ADD: NoSmoke [0/1]
ADD: NoSpawnEffects [0/1]
ADD: NoFlames [0/1]
FIX: Teamscores not resetting correctly on clients
FIX: Initial health/armour in warmup incorrect until first hit
FIX: PCF TIMER BUG! Items were not respawning on time because of PCF coding
FIX: Bots cheating in Voosh
FIX: Non-daily log file missing file extension
FIX: Extremely rare overtime bug
FIX: Minor map restart issues
CHANGE: Minor reformatting on weapon statistics
CHANGE: Faster authenication for PK++ clients on servers
CHANGE: Duelqueue tweaked (tied game doesnt exchange players)
CHANGE: Rcon / Ref, confirmation / errors returned to client
CHANGE: Bot respawn set a fraction longer

If you want to know what this rocket jump fix is all about, read Painkiller.pdf in PK++Documentation.ZIP. As usual, download the update via Steamfish. If you dont have a previous version of PK++, download Steamfish installer first and run it or download the full install.
Have Fun!

Run Steamfish:PK++ 0.7

Theres a new update available for your favorite PK mod! It has some new features as there is scoreboard packetloss, referee, restartmap,…Please bear in mind 0.7 is still a beta version. If you have questions/suggestions, contact us at Read the full list of fixes and features below:

FIX: Ping issues on PK++ server
FIX: Map change code tweak (related to autorecord)
FIX: Demolist
FIX: Crosshairsize now works correct from the menu
FIX: Armour not showing in spectator mode in simplehud
FIX: Bots stubbing noses in fights on corners
ADD: Optional coloured icons for hud Cfg.ColouredIcons | \colouredicons [0/1]
ADD: Optional desaturated-colour scoreboard Cfg.AltScoreboard | \altscoreboard [0/1]
ADD: Cfg.CustomCrosshairLocation = true/false , Cfg.CustomCrosshairLocationX, Cfg.CustomCrosshairLocationY
ADD: Restartmap , starts new map without reloading the map (or optionally \restartmap)
ADD: Cfg.BotQuickRespawn added for quicker bot respawn
ADD: Cfg.BotFakePing (visual only)
ADD: \saferespawn [0/1]
ADD: Forcespec / Cfg.Forcespec – forces newcomers to a game into specmode regardless of join type
ADD: Cfg.AutoTeamLock = true/false – Automatically locks the teams in the last second on pre-match count down
ADD: TeamLock | teamlock [0/1] – keeps specs from joining game.
ADD: \exec | \writeconfig added
ADD: Rcon, Cfg.RconPass | \rconpass on client and server, then \rcon on client
ADD: Referee. Like rcon but only on callvote-allowed commands. Referees can be callvoted, or use RefPass in the same way as RconPass.
ADD: Scoreboard packetloss Cfg.ScoreboardShowPacketLoss [true/false] | \ScoreboardShowPacketLoss [0/1]
ADD: DuelQueue (Cfg.DuelQueue), will swap loser with spec who has waited longest on starting a new map
ADD: Cfg.AutoStatsDump – Dumps the weapon stats to a file (on server or client).
CHANGE: Bot goal location movement tweak
CHANGE: Cfg.CrosshairNamesDisabledInDuel added
CHANGE: Game uses restartmap for normal map changes
CHANGE: botminplayers logic tweaked
CHANGE: Falling damage removed from ProPlus mode
CHANGE: Logfile now based per day rather than per server restart per day
CHANGE: StatsDump fixed to request latest stats

As usual, download the update via Steamfish. If you dont have a previous version of PK++, download Steamfish installer first and run it. For those who need an offline install get the full version here.

Your beloved newsposter

*UPDATE* Minor scoreboard bug fixed, run Steamfish again to update.

Giga Liga opens

This tuesday the new season of the Giga Liga ( ) launched. This time, Painkiller also got its own league for every1 to attend in.

Additional to that, Painkiller might have a chance to be one of the 5 Grand Slam games of the league which gets their own televised lan finals with cash prizes. All Painkiller has to do is to attract people to play. It will battle agains 9 other games over the next 10 weeks to become one of the most played leagues on .

If you want to attend in the leage, but you cant read german, just look at the pkeuro forums for a brief description on how to sign up.

Have a nice Painkiller season spring 2005! || || How to sign up

Another day another update

Another small update is now available for the popular Painkiller mod PK++. This small update brings some minor tweaks and fixes, which you can see below:

FIX: Font sizes tweaked on scoreboard for lower resolutions and high resolutions.
FIX: DM_Mine loc file corruption
FIX: Small ProPlus telefrag bug
ADD: Timer position control Cfg.ShowTimerX/Cfg.ShowTimerY – Con. cmd(s) (\ShowTimerX & \ShowTimerY)
ADD: TeamOverlay position control Cfg.TeamOverlayX/Cfg.TeamOverlayY – Con. cmd(s) (\TeamOverlayX & \TeamOverlayY)
ADD: Teamscores position control Cfg.TeamScoresX/Cfg.TeamScoresY – Con. cmd(s) (\TeamScoresX \TeamScoresY)
ADD: TeamOverlay width control Cfg.TeamOverlayW – Con. cmd(s) (\Cfg.TeamOverlayX)
ADD: Timer font size control Cfg.ShowTimerFontSize – Con. cmd(s) (\ShowTimerFontSize)
ADD: Teamscores font size control Cfg.TeamScoresFontSize – con. cmd(s) (\TeamScoresFontSize)
ADD: Teamoverlay font size control Cfg.TeamOverlayFontSize – Con. cmd(s) (\TeamOverlayFontSize)

This update is just to fix some minor stuff, there will be a new content patch for PK++ in the near future.

Aside from that, if you still have questions or have suggestions or even want to contribute to this mod, please do not hesitate to contact us at this address

PK++ 0.5

One day after PK++ 0.4 we have PK++ 0.5! It contains the following fixes and features:

FIX: Bug with ProPlus callvote taking time to update clients / sometimes not working
FIX: Autorecord fixed
FIX: Bots voting bug
ADD: Old Scoreboard support, Cfg.OldScoreboard = true/false, and \oldscoreboard 1/0
ADD: ‘Soft’ item tracking for bot – Cfg.BotFindItems = true
FIX: Some minor GUI issues
ADD: HUD ping, Cfg.ShowPing = true/false and \showping 1/0
ADD: SimpleHUD for specmode
FIX: Config based FPS limit 125->150
ADD: SimpleHud command added

Please bear in mind that this version still is a beta test. You can update PK++ via Steamfish. If you don’t have a previous version of PK++, download Steamfish installer first and run it. For those who need an offline install get the full version here. Anyone that wants to host these files, please contact us.
Before spamming us with complaints, please read the readme in \Bin\PK++Documentation.ZIP first.

If you still have questions or have suggestions or want to contribute, mail to