v1.0 of PK++ is now available for download via your friendly SteamFish Updater tool. If you don
Version 1.0 has only the following change:
CHANGE: Minor alteration to rocketfix based on mass public testing. Tweaking now locked.
Hopefully this locking of the rocketfix variables will allow a standard to be set for all play in the future.
If you have questions/suggestions, contact us at mods@pkeuro.com.. Also take note of a very handy shell script created by i365-klaude for updating Linux servers with PK++. You can find the thread where Klaude releases the shell HERE, and the actual shell for download HERE.
ADD: \MOTD – sets the server MOTD from the console (intended for use with rcon)
ADD: \PitabotEnabled [1/0] | Cfg.PitabotEnabled – sets pitabot server component active/inactive.