In order to help keep PKEURO updated with the latest and greatest Painkiller news out there, we’ve decided to open up the posting of Front page news to all members. To submit a news posting, simply login and click the add/edit News link on the right hand side bar.
We open access to the front page with certain constraints in that if we feel a news post is either irrelevant, abusive, or simply “not really that important to the community”, we reserve the right to delete or move the news post to the Minor news section on the right hand side bar.
PKEURO appreciates any news posted by our members and will try its best to make fair decisions on this subject. We look forward to your first (and hopefully many) news posts 🙂
Note, this does not mean we will be not updating the news ourselves anymore. Just that we feel it’s time to open the front page to more writers.