This map is a mix between q1s famous dm6 and dm_psycho.
It could be good both for 1v1 and 2v2.
Remember it is a BETA: if it will be liked, more work will be done on it (textures, lighting, pk teleporters, a real name 🙂 and items placement is not definitive too.
Write here your suggestions or contact me at #pkmaps !



To install: put the .pkm file in /painkiller/data , then you will find DM_Q1DM6 in the mappool 🙂

Note: ElectroDriver is in the map…you will need a rocketjump to pick it 😉

PK++ v1.1.1.64 Available

A new version of PK++ is now available for download through the almighty Steamfish tool, which upgrades the current version to

The new version includes some bug fixes and changes which you can read below:

FIX: Shotgun ammo now showing in specmode
FIX: Player demos are named from POV player first – does not apply to spectator demos
FIX: Restartmap during final scoreboard causing spectator lockout
ADD: Minimal self-integrity and validation check
ADD: Public notification on server when a non-pk++ client is being used. Cfg.ImpureClientWarning
ADD: TeamScoresShadow | Cfg.TeamScoresShadow for font shadow
ADD: ShowPingX ShowPingY | Cfg.ShowPingX Cfg.ShowPingY for ShowPing position.
ADD: playdemo and recorddemo command aliases
CHANGE: Text shadow effects increased slightly – optional to disable for each HUD item
CHANGE: Small position changes on some HUD items
CHANGE: Quad respawn time set to 2 minutes

As usual, if you have any feedback on PK++ or would just like to suggest something, please email and we will try to get back to you ASAP.

Custom Maps and #pkmaps

At CPL Spain we saw two things; firstly that a custom map from the community could make it to be being used in by the CPL. Secondly, we saw that a new map pushes players to adapt to new tactics, and arguably, helps open up the tournament to breaking existing players domination on the standard maps. Of course, we should also remember that the community’s initial response to meatless was far from 100% positive; whereas now, many players greatly like the map.

The guys in #pkmaps on quakenet are working on new maps and looking at improving existing maps and conversions to meet gameplay requirements for pk. Hopefully we’ll see conversions and/or new maps being developed for PK further, be they for competitive gameplay as being used in the CPL, or for fun online gameplay.

You can find work on maps in

..which includes maps in various states. #pkmaps is always looking for support from everything from play-testing, sharing ideas, or helping with developing the maps further.

World Tour Stop Changed!

The CPL announced that it has revised the sequence of its $1,000,000 World Tour Stops to accept an invitation to host the Swedish stop at the world’s largest computer festival: DreamHack. The Swedish World Tour stop, hosting a $50,000 one-versus-one Painkiller competition, will now take place June 16-19, 2005 in Jonkoping, Sweden at the Elmia Convention Center.

Over 5,000 gamers are expected to attend the DreamHack festival this year. The online registration for the Swedish stop will launch next week at the CPL’s registration website located at Furthermore, the stop in Germany has been moved to August and the stop in the United Kingdom to September.

For more info go to CPL`s Homepage at:

CPL Spain Demos

A quick note for those who missed it; CPL Spain demos were belatedly uploaded, and the finals can be found, here:

SK|SteLam vs fnatic.Vo0 (DM_1v1_meatless)

Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:

SK|SteLam vs fnatic.Vo0 (DM_Absinthe)

Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:

SK|SteLam vs fnatic.Vo0 (DM_Sacred)

Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:

The other demos from the tournament, can be found here:

Hopefully we might have TVsN avis at some point also.