DM_Blink Beta Version 0.6

DM_Blink Painkiller 1v1 Map

Author: Tectonic


E-mail Tectonic at


Extract to ../painkiller/data/

DM_Blink Version History

Version: 0.6 (6/03/2005)


-Central room sized larger
-Brand new SA room
-Ammo moved around and changed/added
-MH room moved a bit, upper hallway adjusted

For this release, I am looking for feedback on gameplay aspects, including:

1. Is armor placement balanced?
2. Is the weapon placement balanced?
3. Are there adequate health pickups and are they in good locations?
4. Are spawn points in good locations?
5. Is there enough ammo, too much ammo, and is the ammo in good locations?

Please reply by posting on this forum or emailing me at the address listed above. Please explain in detail in your responses.

As you can see, I AM actually moving the map forward faster than meatless. Please respond to this by posting feedback promptly. Thank you.
