CPL Brazil Roundup + Interviews

With just ten days left until the CPL World Tour Sweden, tension is really high as Painkiller players gather to bootcamp with each other just to make sure that everything is working properly. Every hour of practise counts because it will definitely pay off in the near future when a crowd of the best Painkiller players that world has to offer will assemble at Dreamhack, Sweden. Which player will be the one who can make an impact that will jolt the community and become rich by winning $15.000? Noone knows for sure because there are several candidates.

Having an opportunity I would like to present you yet another Painkiller feature. I decided to rethink about what happened few weeks ago, in Brazil. If you missed the Painkiller action which took place in Rio de Janeiro, you can check out what happened there in my newest feature. But it’s not the end as I have something more for you. I was able to track down two of SK Painkiller players, Stephan ‘SteLam’ Lammert and Benjamin ‘zyz’ Bohrmann to ask them some questions about the recent Brazil stop and other World Tour relating things. If you are interested enough then click the link below.


Dignitas PK Spotlight 13 SteLam

Continuing again with our series of Painkiller player spotlights, number 13 is SK|SteLam.

Check it out – http://www.team-dignitas.com/news.php?newsid=1162

Team Dignitas: Getting back to PainKiller, how much time are you putting in practising for the World Tour?

SteLam: I’d say I practice for a total of about 10 days a month with like 4 to 6 hours a day during bootcamps. On a normal day I play for about an hour or not at all. I like to take breaks after tournaments, to clear my mind and relax.