n!faculty frag movie

The n!faculty painkiller team (n!ScooBz0r, n!AgamemnonZ & n!eSrem) attended a LAN called Drome 12 ( www.drome.nl ). Its the biggest LAN in The Netherlands with 2000+ gamers. n!ScooBz0r and n!AgamemnonZ became first and second, n!eSrem couldnt participate in the competition due to his work. The frags are from the games played during the LAN. Hope you enjoy it a bit!.

You can download the movie here: http://www.own-age.com/vids/video.aspx?id=5729

An article about the LAN can be found on the n!faculty website here: http://www.faculty.de/news_details.php?id=1148

Vo0 interviewed by ESreality

ESReality published an interview with Vo0. Its a nice read, here is a part:

I did take a huge risk quiting university (although only being 2 months in), but I knew I had it in me after winning my two first and only tournaments back before the WT game was announced. I’ve placed really well, only getting 2nd twice, winning $89.500 out of the possible $99.500 after 9 tournaments. I still feel I could have done better but as I said, things go as they go. The thing about people that really want to be a progamer, it is a risk. I took the risk and succeeded, but alot of people will fail and will kill a year in their life (not going to school, not winning enough money to live on). There is no such thing as a written book how to become a progamer, and it’s hard to work your way up there. It all came to me, I wasn’t expecting anything great at ESWC 2004. I can still remember after winning my second group stage “oh my god I just made at least $1000 playing a computergame”. And look at where I’m at now, I could not have made a better choise in my life than I did. But as I said, it doesn’t go this way for everyone. Maybe I was lucky that PK was the WT game with such few competitors (although really skilled, Fatal1y/SteLam/ForresT/LeXeR, all reached (near)-god status in their previous games) unlike Q3 which had a huge following. Whenever a game has a huge following it’s a lot harder to have only 1 guy winning it all, I think.

You can read the interview here: http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=872253