18th November 2004 – Unfortunately we do not have Daniel Garner the hero of the game to unveil but we are extremely pleased to announce the Team Dignitas Painkiller team. Firstly today reptile from Germany joins us and also Ankel from Denmark, who was already in Dignitas playing in the ET/RTCW squad, both players will compete in Painkiller 1v1.
`We have been interested in forming a Painkiller section since the CPL announced the World Tour for 2005. Having already committed our Doom 3 squad to the Winter CPL, which they will attend next month we will unfortunately miss the first World Tour stop for Painkiller. We will for sure have a presence at the world tour stop in Turkey in February and we may also have some more players to add to the team.` said Dignitas Team Manager Michael O’Dell. `reptile joins us today and we welcome him to Team Dignitas. He has played for BOH in Quake III and Doom III and is settling into Painkiller now very nicely.`
`I’m pleased to announce that from now on Painkiller will be the game I’m playing. I always liked the game and now that it has a great future it also seems reasonable to invest time in it.` said Andreas Asmuss aka Ankel.
“I am proud that I can represent Team Dignitas for the World Tour game painkiller” said Deniz Kalkmann aka reptile