Update to CPL/Ritual Map Pack

Ritual have release phase 2 of the 3 maps recently released on behalf of the CPL. You can download the UPDATED maps at either from the CPL FTP or from our own FTP here.
The Change List comprises of:

1) changed both armors to SA
2) removed all LG ammo (other than what you can get from the megapack)
3) widened a few choice halls
4) removed all health but mega from top levels
5) replaced a few of the short stair sets with ramps

1) extended the mega health hallway out longer, and added a teleport at the end of the hallway
2) swapped out the BA for an SA
3) removed one of the LG ammos

1) rearranged several ammo packs
2) switched out BA for SA
3) fixed rocket ammo not appearing in GA room

The creators of the maps are seeking community comments on the CPL forum. The thread can be found here. Check them out! We’ll have them on the pkeuro servers ASAP.

PCF/DC Media Question time..

.. is over. We have just finished the 2.5 hour Question and Answer session with DC, PCF and journalists from all over Europe. We also gave Vo0 a sneaky chance to ask his #1 question to PCF about the strength of the Stakegun. A question thats been on a lot of peoples lips for a LOOONG time. Below is an excerpt from the discussion with the whole log linked either here, or viewing at eslive here (thanks SwaT).

[TVG]Chris]: With recent AAA titles such as Half-Life 2 and Halo 2, how difficult has it been to continue marketing Painkiller to an oversaturated market?

[DC]Simon]: I think it all comes down to the product and the community that goes with it. HL2 and H2 quite started on the same foot as we did, gaining much respect through their flawless solo campaigns and continue selling with MP support. So all in all, 2004 will probably be best known as the FPS year, and youre damn right, its hard to fight against giants

[DC]Simon]: but you do know what happens to giants in PK… 🙂

Thanks to all those who joined us. Especially to Simon and Tiphaine from DreamCatchers, and Andrew from People Can Fly.

Slight Announcement Change

The CPL have modified their original announcement we bought to you recently. It now seems that the 3 new maps being developed by Ritual Entertainment will be made available for playtest by the 29th rather than just released. This is probably a good thing as huge numbers of testers can only make the maps better (assuming they listen to the people who know what they are talking about 😉 ).