[PCF]Yaten forum post

Translation to english of the post made recently on the pk.pl forums:
1st mail. 04.05.04 13:23


Few words about patch 1.1 (I know, there are lot of bugs but it could help)

1) It’s true that you can’t move the player while on your own server and prediction is on. This is my major bug and I’ve fixed it. Problem will be resolved in 1.15 (which is going to be out within a few days or after 3 AM tonight).

Fix: On a server, prediction must not be turned on. Clients with prediction enabled can connect to the server with prediction disabled without any problems. Just run the server without prediction enabled, turn clients prediction on and it should work. Server is identical with or without prediction in this case.

2) How does prediction work? Like in QW but Havok does great change. How big? It takes as much as 20% CPU power without prediction enabled. 20ms passes, 20ms of simulation ahead, 20% more CPU usage.
If prediction is enabled:
-let’s take a 50 fps server, packet frequency 20ms and ping 100ms. Every time a packet arrives, the game must take back these 100 ms and count physics again 100ms ahead. Each 20ms we count 100ms of physics. Havok takes 5 times normal!!!
And let’s take server 100 fps and ping 200… oho.
Even in QW physics takes 5 times normal, but counting it in QW is CPU cycles we can ignore so there is no lag.

Fix: (it could be, theoretical)
We can not do anything with ping, but update from server…
Even if server sends the information frequently, we have 4 parameters: updateparams_myplayer ‘delay’, analogical updateparams_players, updateparams_physicsitems and updateparams_projectiles. ‘delay’ tells us how frequently the server sends information to the client. Without prediction it should be 0.01, because delays are smaller. With prediction enabled client does not check server so frequently, so it could be that with 0.1 or 0.2 things can run beautiful. And this means that the data from the server reaches the client only 10 times per second, Havok does not ruin our PC and fps does not drop to 2. BTW: stronger PC, better effect of prediction. 3 GHz and up, prediction is acceptable as it is, but after tweaking updateparams it could run even on 800 Mhz.
If you have big fps drops, then turn prediction off. It will not help in this case.

3) There are bugs with voting too. Game drops to desktop. We’re chasing this bug as we searching this one with final table. I cannot guarantee what will be with these bugs. One of them has been harassing us for 2 months and we cannot track it. πŸ™

4) English and Polish patches were completed at the same time. Polish was put on the web and English was stopped by Dreamcatcher after additional testing. Maybe if we are not in a hurry at 3 AM because β€žwe must release”, next patches will be free of bugs.

2nd mail. (2 minutes later)

Aha, I think that Adrian will murder me for public statements. Why in this thread? Why on this webpage? Why not on other sites? Who is going to take offence? etc. It’s why I am giving hints here. Well. I don’t have time , I’m writing code, fixing bugs and I’ve read this thread by accident. It could be any other place where people talks about PK bugs.
3rd mail 04.05.04 18:17

I think you’ll not be worried if I tell you that we test here on 1.8 GHz machine. It was high end machine when we were starting project. πŸ™‚
Probably bug with desynchronization of server and client after 10 minutes of gaming on same map has been removed. With a large amount of effort but its effective. We see this while testing. πŸ™‚ Unfortunately QW solution is now not possible. Too much to change. I’ll think about it later.

If it works on 3 GHz I am glad. Here we test it on LAN and it works great so far.

Patch Info from Adrian

[PCF]Adrian dropped by #painkiller.euro just a short time ago and provided us with some information on the upcoming patch. I’ve tried to split the IRC log into some kind of meaningful Q&A format. Hope its readable for you. Here goes:

[22:49] *[PCF]Adrian* so listen, here’s the scoop
[22:50] *[PCF]Adrian* quite sadly, we did find one bloody bug that we’ve been tracking for a whole day
[22:50] *[PCF]Adrian* with no luck… but we’re closing in on the bastard.
[22:50] *[PCF]Adrian* it’s just this one thing that holds the release
[22:50] *[PCF]Adrian* on a bright side
[22:51] *[PCF]Adrian* Krystian wrote the prediction code that now I cannot play without. It’s really good.

[22:51] *Hutchy* are u allowed to release what the bug is out of curiosity?
[22:51] *[PCF]Adrian* yeah
[22:51] *[PCF]Adrian* I can describe the bug
[22:51] *[PCF]Adrian* tell me if you have it in 1.00
[22:51] *[PCF]Adrian* it’s crash to desktop when the final scoretable is displayed

[22:51] *W4rh0g* we get crash to desktop everynow and again anyhow
[22:52] *W4rh0g* I think thats a known bug in 1.0 tho
[22:52] *[PCF]Adrian* does anyone experience that in 1.00?
[22:52] *Blowfish* yes, I had that a few times
[22:52] *Hutchy* i do recall others having occasional crash to desktop
[22:52] *[PCF]Adrian* yeah it happens at the end of the match
[22:52] *W4rh0g* we get when joining server
[22:52] *[PCF]Adrian* it’s annoying and a bitch to find
[22:52] *W4rh0g* as well
[22:52] *Hutchy* yeh ive had a joining one on occasion πŸ™‚
[22:52] *Blowfish* I’ve had it once when I didn’t even play, just left it in ‘spec’ mode on the scoreboard
[22:52] *Hutchy* will be good to fix that one at least
[22:53] *W4rh0g* apparently the crash to desktop happens when SP is played too
[22:56] *cK-blood|wrk* Adrian, one main CTD that ive found is upon joining that map with the Mansion
[22:56] *cK-blood|wrk* i think its DM_Psycho
[22:56] *cK-blood|wrk* when joining server, right when scoreboard is displayed u get CTD
[22:57] *cK-blood|wrk* thats the only map its happened to me
[22:57] *cK-blood|wrk* and ONLY when im connecting to server with that map
[22:57] *cK-blood|wrk* but if im already in the game and it loads that map im fine
[22:57] *cK-blood|wrk* but if i leave game and connect back i get ctd
[22:57] *[PCF]Adrian* weird, but I assume that is fixed, we play that map a lot… though I must admit

DM_Cursed is my fav map atm

[22:52] *[PCF]Adrian* all other bugs seem to be fixed
[22:52] *[PCF]Adrian* the bugfix log is 2 gigs long πŸ˜‰

[22:53] *W4rh0g* could u give us a short resume on weapon damage changes adrian?
[22:53] *W4rh0g* RL splash?
[22:53] *W4rh0g* stake power?
[22:53] *W4rh0g* we all want to hear the stake power at spawn
[22:53] *[PCF]Adrian* we fixed ElectroDriver, so now it’s actually useful πŸ˜‰

[22:54] *W4rh0g* what value for stake did u end up at?
[22:54] *[PCF]Adrian* we didn’t change the stake so far, why?
[22:54] *W4rh0g* well
[22:54] *W4rh0g* one of the main critiscms of the current weapons
[22:55] *W4rh0g* is the ability to kill a fully loaded player
[22:55] *W4rh0g* v quick with the spawn weapon
[22:55] *W4rh0g* we understodd u may be lowering the damage
[22:55] *W4rh0g* from 200

[22:55] *[PCF]Adrian* stakes cannot kill someone 100/150…
[22:55] *[PCF]Adrian* …but…
[22:55] *[PCF]Adrian* what we did is we added more items on maps, so now it’s a little easier to get armored

[22:56] *W4rh0g* so the stake damage will stay the same
[22:56] *W4rh0g* well
[22:56] *W4rh0g* is there a chance this could be changed per server settings?
[22:56] *[PCF]Adrian* just a little πŸ˜‰

[22:56] *[PCF]Adrian* we have really done A LOT of work on this patch, it’s like a new game now

[22:58] *W4rh0g* any chance you could tell us what kind of voting will be allowed adrian?
[22:58] *W4rh0g* referee/rcon
[22:58] *W4rh0g* ?
[22:58] *[PCF]Adrian* like what?
[22:58] *W4rh0g* like a server admin can modify server settings thru the console
[22:58] *W4rh0g* or a referee can change match settings
[22:59] *[PCF]Adrian* no, we don’t want zillions of servers with different settings… it happened to MoHAA

and killed the scene slowly. But wait, lemme give some info on CALLVOTE
[22:59] *cK-blood|wrk* there wont be a zillion settings, tournaments will get a standard
[22:59] *cK-blood|wrk* for instance, CPL usually sets the standards

[22:59] *[PCF]Adrian* Server (commands available on server and for voting):
[23:00] *[PCF]Adrian* sec it’s a long list πŸ˜‰
[23:01] *[PCF]Adrian* here goes:
[23:01] *[PCF]Adrian* map *map_name*, timelimit *value*, fraglimit *value*, kick *name*
[23:01] *[PCF]Adrian* ankick *name*, maxplayers *value*, maxspectators *value*
[23:01] *[PCF]Adrian* powerupdrop *0/1*
[23:01] *[PCF]Adrian* powerups *0/1*, weaponsstay *0/1*, teamdamage *0/1*
[23:01] *[PCF]Adrian* allowbunnyhopping *0/1*, allowbrightskins *0/1*, allowforwardrj *0/1*
[23:02] *[PCF]Adrian* gamemode *ffa/tdm/pcf/tlb/voosh*
[23:02] *[PCF]Adrian* reloadmap
[23:02] *[PCF]Adrian* that’s it

[23:00] *esc\Sui* is their anychance that u can add map name to the loading screens?
[23:02] *[PCF]Adrian* it’s added
[23:02] *[PCF]Adrian* map name shows now

[23:02] *esc\Sui* can it be made possible
[23:02] *esc\Sui* to connect ctrl+v in console
[23:02] *esc\Sui* with ips
[23:08] *W4rh0g* is copy pasting ips into the console when in a multiplayer game now possible?
[23:08] *[PCF]Adrian* don’t know, write me email about it so I can double check tomorrow

[23:03] *W4rh0g* when is the linux server due for release?
[23:03] *[PCF]Adrian* yeah I know… everyone wants that… we plan on that as well, but it won’t be that soon

[23:03] *W4rh0g* is it tough to implement adrian?
[23:04] *[PCF]Adrian* yes, because we’re still working A LOT on the code
[23:04] *W4rh0g* ok
[23:04] *W4rh0g* will be a while then
[23:04] *Blowfish* is the Havok licence the problem for linux build? (aside from directx)
[23:05] *[PCF]Adrian* license is not a problem (but it does cost ;))

[23:04] *[K]EtoS* adrian, how bout client side brightskin settings and not server side?
[23:04] *[PCF]Adrian* client side is unfair
[23:04] *[PCF]Adrian* but
[23:04] *[PCF]Adrian* you can CALLVOTE that πŸ™‚

[23:05] *W4rh0g* we understand that client prediction has been added
[23:05] *W4rh0g* does it REALLY help netplay?
[23:05] *W4rh0g* in your opinion
[23:06] *[PCF]Adrian* yes it does, BUT this code is experimental… 2 things:
[23:07] *[PCF]Adrian* a) it uses more processor power, so unless you have a good PC remember to set gfx to low

to have as much free computing power for Havok prediction
[23:07] *[PCF]Adrian* b) er… I forgot what was that… sec…

[23:07] *Blowfish* any chance of a female player model for female gamers?
[23:07] *[PCF]Adrian* we hope to have a fat slut in 1.2
[23:08] *[PCF]Adrian* because all models need to use the same ragdoll for collision

[23:08] *W4rh0g* have you managed to tweak havoc right down to help netplay
[23:09] *Maniax* yes, everyones main concern is more or less netcode, is it majorly tweaked in 1.1 or just

[23:09] *[PCF]Adrian* yes, hence the prediction code. As I said, you need more processor power now, because we

predict Havok or shit, no idea, programmers tried to explain that to me with no luck πŸ™‚

[23:09] *[PCF]Adrian* so
[23:09] *[PCF]Adrian* guys
[23:09] *[PCF]Adrian* bottom line is
[23:10] *[PCF]Adrian* I bet there will be 1.2, and 1.1 has its faults, it’s still not perfect game, BUT it’s

HELL OF a lot better than 1.0 and you should like it.

[23:10] *[K]EtoS* will you be at QuakeCon this year Adrian? anyone else from PCF/dc going?
[23:11] *[PCF]Adrian* no idea atm
[23:11] *[PCF]Adrian* I would like to see PK gimps in action, but I just don’t know atm

[23:11] *hp|47* will the bug with the scores be fixed ? when a player is scoring points for the team and he

leaves the server the team loses those points (frags), that is a big problem if we would have a situatuion

like that in a league mach
[23:11] *hp|47* ?
[23:11] *[PCF]Adrian* ok, so just a little patience plz, one last bug and we’re done. Can’t wait to hear your

opinion. Yes this team bug is fixed as well.

[23:12] *[PCF]Adrian* Ok thanks for your support ppl and ttyl
[23:12] * [PCF]Adrian has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)


Log from tonights takeover attempt. Note that Iggy tells everyone about the script 5 seconds before it kicks in, and no, it wasnt him that clicked it… you know who you are :p

[22:24] *iggy* if halaa\cs pm;s you, its a virus
[22:24] *Finn* *– back to work
[22:24] *z3on* hf
[22:24] *Finn* heh
[22:24] *W4rh0g* u have to click link tho?
[22:24] *iggy* yer
[22:25] *iggy* webpage
[22:25] *W4rh0g* thought so
[22:25] * TiF`oFF|Mav is now known as TiF`pk|Mav
[22:25] * remOte|Xelb^^ has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:25] * Q sets mode: +o remOte|Xelb^^
[22:25] * remOte|oGaD has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:25] * Q sets mode: +o remOte|oGaD
[22:25] * remOte|Xelb has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:25] * Q sets mode: +o remOte|Xelb
[22:25] * remOte|t1t0^ has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:25] * Q sets mode: +o remOte|t1t0^
[22:25] * remOte|t1t0^^ has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:25] * Q sets mode: +o remOte|t1t0^^
[22:25] * remOte|oGaD` has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:25] * Q sets mode: +o remOte|oGaD`
[22:25] *iggy* [22:23:30] [halaa\cs] hi, so m8 … can it be that www.xxxxx.net ripped ya page? i talked to

an admin of them, but he said it was given to them.. he said it would be free ??
[22:25] * remOte|t1t0^ sets mode: +smi
[22:25] * remOte|t1t0^ sets mode: +k efksefmsefnskef
[22:25] * Blowfish was kicked by remOte|Xelb (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * dean was kicked by remOte|Xelb (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * Emp^y was kicked by remOte|Xelb (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * Hutchy was kicked by remOte|Xelb (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * iggy was kicked by remOte|Xelb (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * remOte|oGaD` sets mode: +l 1
[22:25] * Maniax was kicked by remOte|Xelb (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * netrexx was kicked by remOte|t1t0^ (- fuCKeD by remOte Ø www.remOte.net.tc Ø – β€Ή139β€Ί)
[22:25] * Outs was kicked by remOte|t1t0^ (- fuCKeD by remOte Ø www.remOte.net.tc Ø – β€Ή140β€Ί)
[22:25] * relic was kicked by remOte|oGaD` (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * You were kicked by remOte|oGaD` (www.remOte.net.tc)
[22:25] * Attempting to rejoin channel #painkiller.euro
[22:25] * Unable to join channel (invite only)
[22:33] * Rejoined channel #painkiller.euro
[22:33] * Topic is 0,1Takeover by 7remOte crew0,1 on 7 10/04/2004 0,1 at 7 00:46:05 0,1 ::

visit us: 7www.remOte.net.tc0,1 :: rOxXxOrt? YES it roxXx! 
[22:33] * Set by remOte|oGaD on Thu Apr 15 22:30:35
[22:33] -Q- [#painkiller.euro] Welcome to pk.euro, plz visit our website http://www.pkeuro.com
[22:33] * Q sets mode: +o W4rh0g
[22:33] * remOte|oGaD sets mode: +b *!*@host217-43-15-80.range217-43.btcentralplus.com
[22:33] * You were kicked by remOte|oGaD (blacklisted…)
[22:33] * Attempting to rejoin channel #painkiller.euro
[22:33] * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
[22:35] * Rejoined channel #painkiller.euro
[22:35] * Topic is 0,1Takeover by 7remOte crew0,1 on 7 10/04/2004 0,1 at 7 00:46:05 0,1 ::

visit us: 7www.remOte.net.tc0,1 :: rOxXxOrt? YES it roxXx! 
[22:35] * Set by remOte|oGaD on Thu Apr 15 22:30:35
[22:35] -Q- [#painkiller.euro] Welcome to pk.euro, plz visit our website http://www.pkeuro.com
[22:35] * Q sets mode: +o W4rh0g
[22:35] * Q sets mode: -o W4rh0g
[22:35] *TeeJay* exactly
[22:35] *remOte|oGaD* www.remOte.net.tc
[22:35] *remOte|oGaD* www.remOte.net.tc
[22:35] * Outs has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:35] *remOte|oGaD* www.remOte.net.tc
[22:35] * Q sets mode: +o Outs
[22:35] * III-Majin has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:35] * pyj|robbeee_- has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:35] *Vo0`* [23:37:19] * Q sets mode: -o remOte|oGaD
[22:35] *remOte|oGaD* www.remOte.net.tc
[22:35] *Vo0`* raped.
[22:35] *remOte|oGaD* www.remOte.net.tc
[22:35] *Pred* see there is a RETARD in the channel
[22:35] *W4rh0g* right
[22:35] *TAG|Fuzeon* tag chan got taken over and it was back within 10 minutes.. depends which ops are around
[22:35] *TeeJay* wow
[22:35] *remOte|oGaD* www.remOte.net.tc
[22:35] *deadhead* ban him outs
[22:35] * WD has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:35] * Q sets mode: +o WD
[22:35] * remOte|oGaD was kicked by Outs (Q-banned 12β€Ή3112β€Ί)
[22:35] *Pred* see there is a RETARD in the channel
[22:35] *tau-* cya ya
[22:35] *tau-* bye
[22:35] *si|o* lol
[22:35] *Vo0`* hahaha
[22:35] *Vo0`* hahaha
[22:35] *Vo0`* hahaha
[22:35] * FF|nadar|oFF has joined #painkiller.euro
[22:35] * ghizm00 has left #painkiller.euro
[22:35] *Vo0`* god damn this was fun


[PCF]Adrians impromptu visit

For those who are unaware, [PCF]Adrian visited us via our IRC website portal half an hour ago and spent a few minutes answering some Q&A. A big thank you to Adrian for doing this as 200+ people on IRC all hungry for information can be a rowdy bunch at times. Find below a log of the conversation that ensued:
[20:13] * PCF|Adrian has joined #painkiller.euro
[20:13] * Maniax sets mode: +v PCF|Adrian
[20:13] *W4rh0g* lo adrian
[20:13] * W4rh0g sets mode: +o PCF|Adrian
[20:14] *PCF|Adrian* hi
[20:14] *Morf* lo
[20:14] *Maniax* hi adrian
[20:14] *cj_* hehwe
[20:14] *cj_* (:
[20:14] *W4rh0g* nice of u to join us
[20:15] *PCF|Adrian* wtf is this applet… I am getting on and off…cant see the channel list.
[20:15] *PCF|Adrian* am I even in the channel now?
[20:15] *|K|RaZa`study* try www.mirc.com
[20:15] *Finn* haha
[20:15] *W4rh0g* yeah
[20:15] *Maniax* yes your in the channel
[20:15] *Maniax* with 247 people
[20:15] *PCF|Adrian* lol… yeah gotta install mIRC one of these days.

[20:15] *PCF|Adrian* I just stopped by pkeuro.com…

[20:15] *dean* lo
[20:15] *ChiZ-* Jeez, PCF Adrian, for real?
[20:15] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚

[20:15] *PCF|Adrian* when I saw the topic about the ElectroDriver and its autoaiming…

[20:15] *Maniax* πŸ˜€
[20:15] *|K|RaZa`study* cant developpers idle on irc channels,
[20:15] *|K|RaZa`study* :/
[20:16] *Blowfish* they do |K|RaZa`study
[20:16] *W4rh0g* adrian, www.mirc.com,
[20:16] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚
[20:16] *Blowfish* some evenings in here
[20:16] *W4rh0g* adrian, www.mirc.com
[20:16] *W4rh0g* even
[20:16] *m0erser^dr* is this a feature adrian?
[20:16] *Blowfish* oh
[20:16] *Blowfish* πŸ™‚

[20:16] *PCF|Adrian* so… FYI…

[20:16] *Blowfish* like now ? πŸ™‚

[20:16] *PCF|Adrian* its a freaking bug πŸ™‚

[20:16] *W4rh0g* hahaha
[20:16] *Morf* wii πŸ™‚
[20:16] *ChiZ-* lol
[20:16] *m0erser^dr* thank you πŸ™‚

[20:16] *PCF|Adrian* obviously we dont promote any kind of auto-whatever.

[20:16] *|K|RaZa`study* thats what i mean
[20:17] *Morf* im glad its a bug πŸ™‚

[20:17] *PCF|Adrian* pure skill baby… so it will be changed. And the weapon will be tweaked anyway.

[20:17] *W4rh0g* nice 1
[20:17] *Maniax* nice
[20:17] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚
[20:17] *|K|RaZa* PCF|Adrian: will there be a netcode update in the upcoming patch?
[20:17] *W4rh0g* gwan raza¬
[20:17] *W4rh0g* gwan raza!
[20:17] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚

[20:17] *PCF|Adrian* as for the netcode…

[20:17] *ChiZ-* any clues on whats coming in the patch Adrian? πŸ™‚
[20:18] *W4rh0g* shhhh ChiZ-
[20:18] *W4rh0g* :p
[20:18] *|K|RaZa* yes
[20:18] *W4rh0g* applet is slow
[20:18] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚
[20:19] *ChiZ-* sorry man, just gagging on getting the game πŸ™‚

[20:19] *PCF|Adrian* the thing is: netcode is pretty good for LAN. But if you have a ping * 80 it sucks donkey balls. Thats because its very hard (read: impossible) to do client prediction with Havok, because Havok works differently on every PC.

[20:19] *|K|EtoS* then why not take havok out for mp

[20:19] *PCF|Adrian* So for now server corrects your movement and with poor ping it causes this unbereable lag feeling.

[20:19] *|K|EtoS* who needs it
[20:19] *Cl1maX* PCF|Adrian : bugs… typyping fraglimit changes the frag limit but the console says timelimit is now x instead of fraglimit
[20:19] *|K|RaZa* so it will take long or it wont be possible to play well with a high ping
[20:19] *Cl1maX* k ? πŸ™‚
[20:19] *|K|RaZa* There are also some bugs in the PCF mode
[20:19] *Blowfish* PCF|Adrian I think a lot might not be setting their connection type also?
[20:20] *vrykos* :(
[20:20] *DeepOS* heya raza
[20:20] *m0erser^dr* well i have that lags with a ping of 50, so i dont know PCF|Adrian
[20:20] *DeepOS* hows pk then?

[20:20] *PCF|Adrian* We will do what we can for the patch 1.1. There WILL be improvement to the Havok-based code, so you should feel it. If its not enough, we have the plan for something more revolutionary, but I cannot reveal anything atm.

[20:20] *|K|RaZa* eg. getting a stake gun in place of rl
[20:21] *|K|RaZa* hi DeepOS
[20:21] *W4rh0g* thanks for the update adrian
[20:21] *|K|RaZa* its quite good
[20:21] *DeepOS* cool πŸ™‚

[20:21] *PCF|Adrian* …and…

[20:21] *DeepOS* thinking about buyin it atm
[20:21] *W4rh0g* nice to know your not ignoring us all
[20:21] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚
[20:21] *roxsz`gr* what is painkiller ?
[20:21] *fanapathy* pcf mode its annoying you die if ur close to the wall even if its no direct hit..
[20:21] *roxsz`gr* :p
[20:21] *|K|EtoS* adrian, why not take havok out for multiplayer
[20:21] *lazy`pk* …
[20:21] *|K|EtoS* who needs havok for mplayer
[20:21] *|K|RaZa* its very quake alike so i recommend to buy it DeepOS

[20:21] *PCF|Adrian* Patch 1.1 will have shitload of features… not extremely advanced, but demo recording, spectator, voting system, new map and more πŸ™‚

[20:21] *|K|EtoS* what can havok possibly add to mplayer that we need bad netcode
[20:21] *|K|RaZa* PCF|Adrian: sounds great
[20:21] *Blowfish* PCF|Adrian I think a lot of people just want to hear that you are on the case of the netcode and looking to improve it
[20:21] *vrykos* \o_
[20:21] *lazy`pk* PCF|Adrian: do you know when the netcode is going to be worked on?
[20:21] *[wC]Eer0_INT* omg i hate the netcode
[20:21] *cK-bloodshot* i actually did alot of testing with netcode server settings
[20:21] *|K|RaZa* lazy`pk
[20:21] *W4rh0g* k guys
[20:21] *[wC]Eer0_INT* its unplayable

[20:21] *PCF|Adrian* netcode is worked on …all the time.

[20:21] *|K|RaZa* i just asked ..
[20:21] *cK-bloodshot* got 4v4 playable
[20:21] *cK-bloodshot* netcode is good
[20:21] *W4rh0g* since we have adrian here
[20:21] *lazy`pk* ok, thanks
[20:21] *ChiZ-* fanapathy aint that splash damage*?
[20:21] *[wC]Eer0_INT* netcode sux imho
[20:22] *lazy`pk* bloodshot netcode is only OK with 30-50 ping…
[20:22] *fanapathy* yea, but that splash damage seems to be 300+
[20:22] *cK-bloodshot* thats because most servers have wrong serverfps setting

[20:22] *PCF|Adrian* read Netcode Tweaks topic on pkeuro and try the setting someone came up with.

[20:22] *[wC]Eer0_INT* i played with 60 in ping
[20:22] *[wC]Eer0_INT* and it sucked big time
[20:22] *cK-bloodshot* EVERY server should use Cfg.ServerFPS = 45

[20:22] *PCF|Adrian* splash for the rocket will be reduced in 1.1

[20:22] *cK-bloodshot* 45 is the optimal setting
[20:22] *Blowfish* someone kick eurobot πŸ™‚
[20:22] *cK-bloodshot* 60-90 is bad
[20:22] *lazy`pk* thanks..
[20:22] *cK-bloodshot* causes lag movement
[20:22] *fanapathy* roger that
[20:22] *DeepOS* cze adrian o/
[20:22] *cK-bloodshot* when 7+ clients connect
[20:22] *|K|EtoS* PCF|Adrian what can havok possibly add to mplayer that the netcode must suffer for it
[20:22] *W4rh0g* while adrian is here
[20:23] *W4rh0g* plz send Q thru op
[20:23] *W4rh0g* else the applet goes mad
[20:23] *tm-InFeRn0^* W4rh0g can I have auto voice? 😑
[20:23] *lazy`pk* kick eurobot ;o
[20:23] *tm-InFeRn0^* I am always sweet
[20:23] *tm-InFeRn0^* 😑
[[20:23] *DeepOS* czesc still.
[20:23] *SLAyRe* lo

[20:23] *PCF|Adrian* People… I get the message, I know you want Havok off, just give us some time πŸ˜‰ And hush πŸ˜‰

[20:23] *lazy`pk* hehe.
[20:23] *lazy`pk* PCF|Adrian: perhaps you can change the steakgun aswell? maybe less damage?
[20:23] *lazy`pk* or something… ;o
[20:23] *|K|RaZa* some people do not seem to understand that it takes time to code something πŸ™‚

[20:23] *PCF|Adrian* Yes, were also thinking of tweaking stakes damage, you people are becoming too good with it πŸ™‚

[20:23] *Hutchy* πŸ™‚
[20:23] *vrykos* :U stakegun is fine
[20:24] *tm-InFeRn0^* y is this shit
[20:24] *tm-InFeRn0^* ?
[20:24] *tm-InFeRn0^* :*
[20:24] *W4rh0g* send ops questions
[20:24] *W4rh0g* plz
[20:24] *W4rh0g* else major spammage
[20:24] *Maniax* lol
[20:24] *Maniax* there
[20:24] *Blowfish* weeeee
[20:24] *Blowfish* πŸ™‚
[20:24] *Blowfish* much better
[20:24] *W4rh0g* ask any op the question
[20:24] *W4rh0g* they will relaye it
[20:24] *W4rh0g* -e
[20:24] *Blowfish* questions to ops

[20:25] *PCF|Adrian* There will be lots and lots of very small tweaks in 1.1… Apart from the big features I already listed.

[20:25] *W4rh0g* *PCF|Adrian* Yes, were also thinking of tweaking stakes damage, you people are becoming too good with it πŸ™‚
[20:25] *W4rh0g* any idea when the patch will be released adrian?

[20:26] *PCF|Adrian* Fire away, I got 10 mins, then I need to go back to answering 9078938475897 e-mails I got today πŸ˜‰

[20:26] *W4rh0g* *kijoAWAY* will there be a new armour system ?

[20:26] *PCF|Adrian* Monday. It will be ready Friday and then tested a lot… So hopefully Monday.

[20:26] *W4rh0g* *kijoAWAY* the timings etc.
[20:26] *outsafk* coz ;x
[20:26] *W4rh0g* any idea when mod tools will be out adrian?
[20:26] *W4rh0g* *cow|impulse* Question: When u die and respawn u dont immediately move forward, u have to let go of your keys before u can move again. Will this be fixed?
[20:27] *Blowfish* [20:30] *u`am1R* will u change eny thing bout the movement in mp?
[20:27] *W4rh0g* ill just put the questions up
[20:27] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚
[20:27] *W4rh0g* asnwer if u can adrian
[20:27] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚
[20:27] *W4rh0g* *MrFunky* how do you switch smoke off from shotgun for eg, cos it really kills my gfx card, even with all other setting on low.

[20:28] *PCF|Adrian* New armor system? Whats wrong with the current one? As for the modtools, as soon as we finish 1.1, we will start working on map making tool.
[20:28] *PCF|Adrian* impulse: just another bug, will be killed in 1.1

[20:28] *W4rh0g* *tm-InFeRn0^* will the shotgun power increase?
[20:28] *Maniax* lol
[20:28] *Maniax* useless
[20:29] *PCF|Adrian* W4rh0g: I have a task for you πŸ˜‰ If you want… Please gather ALL issues in one big phat mail and send it to me (stuff like shotung cloud causing low FPS etc.) – this way we can track/fix it easier…
[20:29] *W4rh0g* ok adrian
[20:29] *W4rh0g* i will do so

[20:29] *PCF|Adrian* Shotgun power doesn t need increasing, but it needs to work better, its too random atm.

[20:29] *W4rh0g* ok guys
[20:29] *W4rh0g* -m gone in a mo
[20:29] *W4rh0g* questions pm them to me
[20:30] *W4rh0g* for the email
[20:30] *W4rh0g* u can ask now if u want
[20:30] *Maniax* will the enemy colors will be different than just red and white in 1.1?
[20:30] *Morf* 13:4) 13:4] 13:4D 13:4P 13:4* 13:4X 13:4O
[20:30] *Hugin* lol
[20:30] *tm-InFeRn0^* adrian PK OWNT ;p
[20:30] *Hutchy* thx for ur time adrian πŸ™‚
[20:30] *W4rh0g* yeah good to see u adrian
[20:30] *W4rh0g* bet your glad u dont come on irc now
[20:30] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚

[20:30] *PCF|Adrian* as for brightsking, I guess we will release these textures OUTSIDE of the pak file, so you can tweak them to your likening.

[20:31] *W4rh0g* \o/
[20:31] *JAALI* how long before gamespy3d and ase work for it?

[20:31] *PCF|Adrian* heh
[20:31] *PCF|Adrian* one important explanation…

[20:32] *Maniax* Have you thought about adding new gametypes like CTF or do you want the communnity to mod such things?

[20:32] *PCF|Adrian* We could open a forum topic called “PK issues” of course, but then it will be spammed in no time… Thats why I prefer everything goes through warhog and his minions πŸ™‚ This makes out life way easier.

[20:32] *izzential\steph* πŸ˜€
[20:33] *dean* πŸ™‚
[20:33] *PCF|Adrian* out=our
[20:33] * u`am1R has joined #painkiller.euro

[20:33] *PCF|Adrian* its easier to keep track if you have one big mail with all the issues. I would need it for tomorrow though…

[20:33] *W4rh0g* np adrian
[20:33] *W4rh0g* i send it in one hour
[20:33] *Maniax* yeah alot easier

[20:34] *PCF|Adrian* And some surprises are coming in the forthcoming weeks. Dont want to spoilt it all. Go play some SP ffs πŸ˜‰ Anyway, thanks for your support guys, well do our best for 1.1.

[20:34] *dean* cheers adrian
[20:34] *W4rh0g* πŸ™‚
[20:35] *PCF|Adrian* Cheerio and l8r all.
[20:35] * PCF|Adrian has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)

Cant wait for the patch πŸ™‚

Netcode Tweaks

[PCF]Adrian has been reading the boards and has noted the frustration over netcode. He has written the following on the official DreamCatcher forums:
We have made some tweaking possible in mp, eg. if you look at your config file in /Bin, you will find these lines:

Cfg.NetUpdateClass00 = {0.0222222,0.02,0.02,0.03,}
Cfg.NetUpdateClass01 = {0.0666667,0.2,0.2,0.2,}
Cfg.NetUpdateClass02 = {0.1,0.01,0.01,0.02,}
Cfg.NetUpdateClass03 = {0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,}
Cfg.NetUpdateMaxPacketSize = 500
Cfg.NetUpdateSendPeriod = 10

But of course tweaking that is pain in the ass, so heres what you can do from the console (results are written to config when you exit the game):
When youre connected and playing, bring on the console.

Console Commands:

Gives lots of info of whats going in the network. Its a summary of the last 5 seconds.
netstats overall

Gives lots of info of whats going in the network. Its a summary of
everything from the beginning of your connection.
netstats help

Info about the command.

Shows how big is the size of the packet that your game sends. Sometimes the game needs to send something undividable and bigger than this size – and it will do it – but generally the game tries to avoid such situation.

Sets the maximum size of a packet.

Rumor has it that smaller packets have priority in overcrowded networks. On the other hand, they may get lost easier (because there more of them). Its a good command to play with and see whats happening with larger/smaller packets.
maxpacketsize help

Shows info about the command.

Shows current parameters for our player (eg. the camera)
updateparams_myplayer help

Shows info about the command.

First parameter is how often the server should send out new data of the player.

Second parameter says that server should not send the players new velocity info if its not different by from the last one sent

Third paremeter says that server should not send the players new angular velocity info if its not different by from the last one sent

Fourth parameter says that server should not send the players new position info if its not different by from the last one sent

updateparams_myplayer 0.5

In this example players new position will be send from server every 0.5 sec. Note that in this example we ignored last 3 parameters, as they are for hardcore experts only and dont change that much anyway I think.
Similiar commands (like those for the player) are available for other things:

updateparams_players – other players and some objects
updateparams_physicsitems – physical items, eg. barrels
updateparams_projectiles – rockets, grenades, stakes, etc.

Generally the frequency of the update has direct input on the size of the data stream from server to client. If you want to decrease the size of this stream, increase the delays. If you want smoother gameplay, decrease the delays.

DO NOT set any delay to 0 – that will reset all other parameters (linVel,angVel, pos).
Changed parameters are written to config.ini when you exit the game, so pelase remember what you had originally before tweaking, if you dont want to loose it (backing up config.ini is a good idea).

Let us know if you find good values to use that help at all. Thanks to Adrian for this and listening. Catch the full thread here: http://dreamcatcherinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=82734#post82734