First impressions?

Plz reply to this column post with your first impressions of the game. Does it suck? Do you love it? Netcode good or bad? etc etc. No responses to others comments please. Just your own views of the game.

Upcoming Patch

I understand that PCF are working hard on producing the first Patch for Painkiller. I understand that there are a lot of tweaks and fixes. Here are the main ones I could glean from talking to some of the guys:

Fix: Pentagram on Illuminati causing all players to be disconnected
Fix: Lava kills players on FFA mode
Fix: Allow LAN play with no Internet connection
Add: Voting (not sure params that will be votable)
Add: Spectating
Add: Different sounds per player
Add: Recording Demos
Add: Recording movies (not 100% on this one)
Add: New Map
Change: Weapon balancing (ElectroDriver combo in Voosh changed as is Electrodriver damage)

If any of the PCF guys read this, I would appreciate an update as to the contents. Thanks in advance 🙂

I also understand that tests are being carried out this Friday. Hopefully we will see this additional functionality soon 🙂

Movement summary

In response to the many questions around “movement”, I’ve written up a little synopsis. Bear in mind that the time I’ve had to try all things out has been limited and hence this is my first view of the situation. Hope you find it interesting……

Many people have asked me what the movement is like in Painkiller. This is a tough question for me to answer as everyone is from different backgrounds. As I’ve not played QuakeWorld for the last 4 years, my bunnyhopping and air movement skills have changed to match the Quake3 requirements. Rocket Jumping methods have changed and the lack of air movement has meant a different skill set has been required to master the jumps.

Now enter Painkiller. Air movement that’s a step up from Quake 3 (though maybe not quite QuakeWorld), bunnyhopping that is controlled as per Quake3 but has the speed of QuakeWorld (almost) and Rocket Jumping that differs from any other game I have come across (I didn’t play CPMA). In order to answer the question, I have broken down movement into 3 areas:

Jumping (unassisted)

In order to pick up speed around the map in Painkiller, you must employ a technique called Bunnyhopping. In Painkiller, this consists of holding down the forward key whilst timing the press of the jump button to coincide with just before you land from the previous jump, or just after. As each jump is executed within a given timeframe of landing, your acceleration forward is boosted and higher speeds can be reached.

If the command Speedmeter 1 is applied in the console, your current speed is displayed at the bottom of the screen. So far by using the bunny hop technique; I have achieved a maximum speed of high 26’s. This I am sure is not the fastest that can be achieved but its pretty close.

One of the great things about bunnyhopping is that you can literally swing round the player 180˚ and if you keep the timing correct on the jumps, you keep your speed in the new direction. Very handy for keeping speed up in corridors and in tight areas. I’m sure that the hardened QuakeWorld fans will not appreciate the change from the Bunnyhopping style employed in QuakeWorld, nor will they appreciate the lack of Strafe Jumping. They will consider this n00bifying the jumping methods required to get the most speed out of the game. Personally, I prefer this method. Probably because I’ve played Quake3 for the last few years and have become accustomed to the movement physics in that game.

Air Movement

The air movement in Painkiller will take some getting used to for the majority of us. For those people that transition across from QuakeWorld, the feel is going to be very similar. Smooth movement of the mouse whilst in the air glides the player in whatever direction you point them. None of the movement keys including forward have an effect whilst in the air with the exception of backwards which stunts your progression forward virtually instantaneously. Whatever speed you take into the jump is maintained in the air. Bunnyhop onto a jump pad and find yourself catapulted far further than you would have been if you had merely walked up to it and took off.

Rocket Jumping

This is probably the area where I will have to shift my skills the most. Rocket jumping in Quake3 is all about the angle and direction of rocket fire in relation to where you want to travel. One of my most used rocket jumps is the quick flick from forwards to backwards, fire the rocket at a lowish angle whilst jumping and in my own time point forwards to check if I hit the area I was planning too. With Painkiller this isn’t going to work the same way.

As air movement is highly dependant on the position you are facing. You will reach further distances by doing Rocket jumps while facing down and in the direction of travel, than if you were to flick backwards, fire and then look immediately forwards. This means that the use of this type of rocket jump will have to be rethought based upon the lack of distance that is travelled. This is a shame as I enjoy the propellant physics that is provided in Quake3 with firing your rocket against walls to the side or behind you.

The height vs. distance of rocket jumps will be determined by the angle at which you fire in front of yourself. Although saying this, it seems that there isn’t much in it height wise from firing the rocket at a shallow angle to firing it while pointing straight down. The main benefit comes from taking more speed into the Rocket Jump, rather than the angle of fire. Having some decent speed prior to Rocket jumping really extends the distance travelled as it works as an extension of the bunnyhop but just with some extra height.

Powerup assists

Just as a check, I performed some Rocket jumps with 2 of the powerups. Quad and Rage (Anger?). Quad made some difference although not to the extent that Quake3 bounces you around 🙂 The Rage made absolutely no difference.

Moving up the map

As a final example, I recorded moving up an incline in DM_Fragenstein and also the stairs in the same map. You will lose virtually all of your speed gained whilst bunnyhopping once you hit these points, but if you time the jumps right you can still get a boost up the stairs or ramp.

I’ve prepped a few small clips to assist in understanding. I’m no trick jumper and fraps doesn’t help much either (whinge whinge 😉 ) so please don’t flame 🙂

See you on the servers soon!

Find the movement examples here:

They show:
Air_Ramp_Jump: ramp jump without bunny and then with
Various Rocket Jumps (with and without Quad/Rage)(Off wall)(in front and behind rocket)
Movement up incline and stairs on DM_Fragenstein

Standard Config.

Minus one or two params. here is the standard cfg the game I recieved came with. Note, no tweak.ini only config.ini.

Cfg.AllowBrightskins = false
Cfg.AllowBunnyhopping = true
Cfg.AllowForwardRJ = true
Cfg.AmbientSounds = true
Cfg.AmbientVolume = 0
Cfg.AutoChangeWeapon = false
Cfg.BestExplosives = {0,41,32,}
Cfg.BestNonExplosives = {51,52,42,31,22,21,12,11,0,}
Cfg.BestWeapons1 = {32,0,51,52,41,42,31,22,21,12,11,}
Cfg.BestWeapons2 = {12,0,51,52,41,42,32,31,22,21,11,}
Cfg.Brightness = 0.5
Cfg.BrightskinEnemy = “Red”
Cfg.BrightskinTeam = “White”
Cfg.CameraInterpolation = true
Cfg.CharacterShadow = “Off”
Cfg.ClipPlane = 100
Cfg.ConnectionSpeed = 3
Cfg.Contrast = 0.5
Cfg.Coronas = true
Cfg.Credits = false
Cfg.Crosshair = 1
Cfg.CrosshairB = 255
Cfg.CrosshairG = 255
Cfg.CrosshairR = 255
Cfg.CrosshairTrans = 100
Cfg.Decals = false
Cfg.DecalsStayTime = 0.4
Cfg.DedicatedServer = false
Cfg.DetailTextures = true
Cfg.DisturbSound3DFreq = 0.1
Cfg.DynamicLights = true
Cfg.EAXAcoustics = true
Cfg.FOV = 110
Cfg.FPS = 30
Cfg.FragLimit = 20
Cfg.Fullscreen = true
Cfg.GameMode = “Free For All”
Cfg.Gamma = 1.57
Cfg.GraphicsQuality = 0
Cfg.HUDSize = 1
Cfg.HUDTransparency = 25
Cfg.HeadBob = 100
Cfg.InvertMouse = false
Cfg.KeyAlternativeAlternativeFire = “V”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeBulletTime = “Return”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeFire = “C”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireBestWeapon1 = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireBestWeapon2 = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireSwitch = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireSwitchToggle = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeFlashlight = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeForwardRocketJump = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeJump = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeMenu = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeMoveBackward = “Cursor Down”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeMoveForward = “Cursor Up”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeNextWeapon = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativePause = “P”
Cfg.KeyAlternativePreviousWeapon = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeQuickLoad = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeQuickSave = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeRocketJump = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeSayToAll = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeSayToTeam = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeScoreboard = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeScreenshot = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeSelectBestWeapon1 = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeSelectBestWeapon2 = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeStrafeLeft = “Cursor Left”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeStrafeRight = “Cursor Right”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeUseCards = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon1 = “Delete”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon2 = “None”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon3 = “End”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon4 = “B”
Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon5 = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryAlternativeFire = “Middle Mouse Button”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryBulletTime = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryFire = “Left Mouse Button”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireBestWeapon1 = “Right Shift”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireBestWeapon2 = “Left Ctrl”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireSwitch = “R”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireSwitchToggle = “T”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryFlashlight = “L”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryForwardRocketJump = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryJump = “Right Mouse Button”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryMenu = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryMoveBackward = “S”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryMoveForward = “W”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryNextWeapon = “Mouse Wheel Forward”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryPause = “P”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryPreviousWeapon = “Mouse Wheel Back”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryQuickLoad = “F9”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryQuickSave = “F5”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryRocketJump = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimarySayToAll = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimarySayToTeam = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryScoreboard = “Tab”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryScreenshot = “F12”
Cfg.KeyPrimarySelectBestWeapon1 = “O”
Cfg.KeyPrimarySelectBestWeapon2 = “I”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryStrafeLeft = “A”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryStrafeRight = “D”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryUseCards = “E”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon1 = “1”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon2 = “2”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon3 = “3”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon4 = “None”
Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon5 = “5”
Cfg.LimitServerFPS = false
Cfg.ManualIP = “”
Cfg.MasterVolume = 100
Cfg.MaxPlayers = 8
Cfg.MaxSpectators = 0
Cfg.MessagesKeys = {“None”,”None”,”None”,”None”,”None”,”None”,”None”,”None”,”None”,”None”,
Cfg.MessagesSayAll = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,}
Cfg.MessagesTexts = {“[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,”[custom message/taunt]”,}
Cfg.MouseSensitivity = 40
Cfg.Multisample = “x0”
Cfg.MusicVolume = 100
Cfg.NetUpdateClass00 = {0.0222222,0.02,0.02,0.03,}
Cfg.NetUpdateClass01 = {0.0666667,0.2,0.2,0.2,}
Cfg.NetUpdateClass02 = {0.1,0.01,0.01,0.02,}
Cfg.NetUpdateClass03 = {0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,}
Cfg.NetUpdateMaxPacketSize = 300
Cfg.NetUpdateSendPeriod = 10
Cfg.ParticlesDetail = 2
Cfg.PlayerModel = “mp-model-fallenangel”
Cfg.PlayerName = “#4w#0#4h#0#8*#0#4s#0#4E#0#4r#0#4A#0#4p#0#4H#0#0”
Cfg.PlayerPrediction = true
Cfg.PowerupDrop = false
Cfg.Powerups = true
Cfg.PrecacheData = 0
Cfg.Projectors = false
Cfg.PublicServer = false
Cfg.RenderSky = 2
Cfg.Resolution = “800X600”
Cfg.ReverseStereo = false
Cfg.ServerFPS = 90
Cfg.ServerMaps = {“DM_Fragenstein”,}
Cfg.ServerMapsFFA = {“DM_Fragenstein”,}
Cfg.ServerMapsPCF = {“DMPCF_Tower”,}
Cfg.ServerMapsTDM = {“DM_Fragenstein”,}
Cfg.ServerMapsTLB = {}
Cfg.ServerMapsVSH = {}
Cfg.ServerName = “Painkiller v1.00”
Cfg.ServerPassword = “”
Cfg.ServerPort = 3455
Cfg.SfxVolume = 100
Cfg.Shadows = 0
Cfg.ShowDaydreamWarning = true
Cfg.SmoothMouse = true
Cfg.SoundFalloffSpeed = 6
Cfg.SoundPan = 50
Cfg.SoundProvider3D = “Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio”
Cfg.SoundQuality = “High”
Cfg.SpeakersSetup = “Two Speakers”
Cfg.SwitchFire = {false,false,false,false,false,}
Cfg.Team = 0
Cfg.TeamDamage = false
Cfg.TextureFiltering = “Bilinear”
Cfg.TextureQuality = 0
Cfg.TextureQualityArchitecture = 1
Cfg.TextureQualityCharacters = 1
Cfg.TextureQualitySkies = 1
Cfg.TextureQualityWeapons = 1
Cfg.TimeLimit = 100
Cfg.UseGamespy = false
Cfg.ViewWeaponModel = true
Cfg.WeaponBob = 0
Cfg.WeaponNormalMap = true
Cfg.WeaponPriority = {51,52,41,42,32,31,22,21,12,11,0,}
Cfg.WeaponSpecular = true
Cfg.WeaponsStay = true
Cfg.WeatherEffects = true
Cfg.WheelSensitivity = 2

Day 1 with Painkiller v1.0

After a long slog gathering data on Painkiller Press Release, Impulse said he thought you might all be interested in the IRC log of the day. I’ve cut out everything except the Q&A I provided on things I found out. Hope you find it interesting. Be warned, theres quite a lot of it 🙂

[08:36] *Razorb* is that mp40 look alike weapon in the game ?
[08:37] *W4r-painkiller* no
[08:38] *Razorb* how many dm maps ? 😀
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* 6 maps
[08:38] *Razorb* kk
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* to pick from
[08:38] *Razorb* not bad
[08:38] *Razorb* 🙂
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* when starting a server
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* sec
[08:38] *W4r-painkiller* 8 in total
[08:39] *W4r-painkiller* as 2 are only for pcf
[08:39] *Razorb* kk
[08:39] *Razorb* 😀
[08:39] *W4r-painkiller* so better than the 7 they said
[08:39] *Razorb* playable mp with bots ?
[08:39] *W4r-painkiller* no

[08:46] *W4r-painkiller* ace
[08:46] *W4r-painkiller* i dont get movement lag
[08:46] *Razorb* \o/

[09:09] *W4rh0g* quick load and save is implemented
[09:09] *W4rh0g* looking at the cfg atm
[09:11] *W4rh0g* no tweak.ini this time
[09:12] *gutelaunesatan* is it mixed up with the nromal config?
[09:12] *W4rh0g* no
[09:12] *W4rh0g* its not avail
[09:14] *W4rh0g* Cfg.ShowDaydreamWarning = true
[09:14] *W4rh0g* lol

[11:49] *[mess]* how about movement?
[11:50] *W4r-unavailable* movement is fine
[11:50] *W4r-unavailable* not played much yet

[11:58] *W4r-unavailable* ahhh
[11:58] *W4r-unavailable* good news
[11:58] *W4r-unavailable* shaft doesnt wave around like a cunt
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* just the end of the shaft weaves a little
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* not all of it like q3
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* 🙂

[11:59] *[mess]* W4r-unavailable it doesnt work like auto aim right?
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* i dno
[11:59] *Razorb* lol
[11:59] *W4r-unavailable* no1 to shoot

[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* dm_mine looks ok
[12:05] *sergio* heh
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* medium sized map
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* very dm4ish
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* but bigger
[12:05] *sergio* cool
[12:05] *sergio* lava?
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* y
[12:05] *sergio* 🙂
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* but doesnt kill u
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* :/
[12:05] *sergio* oh
[12:05] *W4r-unavailable* i hopes it would
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* cos a pu is on a walkway thru it
[12:06] *kap* W4r-unavailable are there any new bindings in menu ?
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* WOAH
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* on mine level
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* u find gold armour
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* its on some reflective oil
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* patch
[12:06] *W4r-unavailable* looks mad
[12:07] *dan-_-* 🙂

[12:11] *Hutchy* what gfx card u got war
[12:11] *vrykos* lava instant death?
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* gf3 ti500
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* no vrykos
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* fraid not
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* u can stand on it
[12:11] *vrykos* :
[12:11] *vrykos* )
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* yeah not brill Hutchy
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* i had to turn gfx down to medium too
[12:11] *W4r-unavailable* but hey
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* its better than nowt eh
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* 🙂
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* bbs
[12:12] *W4r-unavailable* trying new map

[12:17] *madox* you have the game W4r-unavailable?
[12:17] *W4r-unavailable* yes mad
[12:17] *madox* polish version?
[12:17] *W4r-unavailable* no
[12:18] *W4r-unavailable* press release

[12:49] *W4r-unavailable* i just work on finding the demo key
[12:49] *W4r-unavailable* or command
[12:50] *vrykos* record
[12:50] *vrykos* :X)
[12:50] *vrykos* rec
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* i wish
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* tried
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* demorecord
[12:50] *vrykos* recdemo demorec
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* record demo
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* demo
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* rec
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* recdemo
[12:50] *cu3rv0* r+”tab”
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* etc etc
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* heheh
[12:50] *cu3rv0* 😛
[12:50] *W4r-unavailable* i will try that
[12:51] *dan-_-* lol

[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* \o/
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* 2.1 works
[13:08] *Razorb* :D:D
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* they fixed hotkeys
[13:08] *Razorb* nice
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* only 15 secs per vid tho
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* 15 secs = 42meg
[13:08] *W4r-unavailable* f00k
[13:08] *Razorb* ya
[13:09] *Razorb* its uncompressed
[13:13] *W4r-unavailable* works great
[13:13] *W4r-unavailable* just no sound
[13:13] *W4r-unavailable* and too short

[13:33] *[mess]* ping server from dos, and then tell what ping is in pk?
[13:33] *W4r-unavailable* k sec
[13:33] *[mess]* on the same server

[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* [mess]
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* 10ms is dos
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* 30 in game
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* both on server
[13:48] *Razorb* 😮
[13:48] *W4r-unavailable* and at join window
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* plus
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* there is no warm up mode
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* everyone has to ready
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* b4 the ppl join
[13:49] *Razorb* 🙂
[13:49] *rapid-* what about stuff like team hud, locational features for tdm
[13:49] *[mess]* what do you mean?
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* well
[13:49] *[mess]* theres no warmup mode
[13:49] *[mess]* ?
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* u know when u join server
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* b4 u join map
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* u get the chart
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* ping
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* score
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* etc
[13:49] *[mess]* ye
[13:49] *[mess]* ?
[13:49] *W4r-unavailable* on tdm server
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* theres a section
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* that shows if yer ready
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* if all r ready
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* it counts down from 5
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* and you all join
[13:50] *Razorb* 🙂
[13:50] *inimical* u ready b4 map start?
[13:50] *[mess]* but you can run around before you’ll do ready ?
[13:50] *Blowfish* sounds fair
[13:50] *inimical* so u dont spawn b4 the actaul map starts?
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* no mess
[13:50] *W4r-unavailable* no runing around
[13:50] *Blindside* :/
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* unless
[13:51] *inimical* can u ghost around ^^
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* u all jump in
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* and then restart map
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* that would work
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* for warm u
[13:51] *W4r-unavailable* p
[13:51] *Maniax-* ;]
[13:51] *[mess]* k
[13:51] *[mess]* :*

[13:54] *Elz* is it like qw movement?
[13:54] *W4r-pkmapping* btw
[13:54] *W4r-pkmapping* i havent seen a qwphysics variable in cfg
[13:54] * W4r-pkmapping looks again
[13:55] *inimical* which .ini was it in b4 😮
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* nope
[13:55] *Razorb* :0
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* gone
[13:55] *Razorb* 😉
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* config
[13:55] *TeoH* its in the demo cfg, but the cmd doesn’t work
[13:55] *W4r-pkmapping* ,ini

[14:30] *Poward* warhog how is it so far?
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* excellent
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* one or two maps a bit dodgy
[14:30] *Poward* did they include editor
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* but the rest look nice
[14:30] *W4r-pkmapping* no
[14:31] *zwanz* w4r hos the movement
[14:31] *zwanz* how’s
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* its fine
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* same as beta
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* smooth
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* quick
[14:32] *W4r-pkmapping* will be lots of fun
[14:33] *zwanz* so not the same as pressing forward constant and gain more and more speed ?
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* it is that yes
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* i didnt say it got any harder
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* 🙂
[14:33] *W4r-pkmapping* bh is the same
[14:34] *inim1cal* ;/
[14:34] *inim1cal* must b summat more 2 it ;o

[17:03] *cu3rv0* when u record with fraps all is going so slooow 😛
[17:03] *dan^-^* mine record + plays slow
[17:04] *dan^-^* is he recording demos then?
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* cu3rv0
[17:05] *ozzie^* picture it like this. your playing a game and while doing that you are grapping video
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* when using fraps 2.1
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* hardley lags
[17:05] *cu3rv0* *- here
[17:05] *dan^-^* there u go
[17:05] *ozzie^* that is going to take lots of power
[17:05] *dan^-^* W4r-pkmapping what u using/
[17:05] *dan^-^* ?
[17:05] *W4r-pkmapping* fraps 2.1 demo
[17:05] *cu3rv0* worst than 2.0?
[17:05] *dan^-^* where did u get it?
[17:05] *cu3rv0* without grabbing sound fraps runs better
[17:05] *dan^-^* nm
[17:06] *W4r-pkmapping* better than 2.0
[17:06] *W4r-pkmapping* 2.0 wont work with pk
[17:06] *cu3rv0* 🙁
[17:06] *cu3rv0* then that was the problem 🙁

[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* i been busy drawing the layout of illuminati
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* its fuckin big
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* and on 3 levels
[17:17] *cu3rv0* tdm?
[17:17] *{ebola}* :))
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* makes it tough to draw
[17:17] *rapid-* your actually drawing the layout by hand?
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* no
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* visio
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* so it looks good
[17:17] *W4r-pkmapping* 🙂
[17:17] *Blowfish* [mess] ? :p
[17:18] *rapid-* still, bit much effort wise, no other way to get an overview?
[17:18] *Blowfish* w4r is our eyes
[17:18] *rapid-* gj tho 🙂
[17:18] *W4r-pkmapping* rapid-
[17:18] *Poward* war try using noclip to get overview
[17:18] *W4r-pkmapping* its for my reviews
[17:19] *W4r-pkmapping* u get upfront vids tho
[17:19] *rapid-* i know 🙂
[17:19] *zwanz* dray a map?
[17:19] *zwanz* draw
[17:19] *zwanz* whaat u mean?
[17:19] *W4r-pkmapping* u will see
[17:19] *W4r-pkmapping* next week
[17:19] *rapid-* like a blueprint zwanz, so we can see the layout
[17:19] *Blowfish* zwanz [17:22] *W4r-pkmapping* visio *– this is what he means here
[17:19] *satanhateraway* W4r-pkmapping ypou made the dm_fragenstein overview with visio?
[17:20] *rapid-* ;]
[17:20] *zwanz* but why we need blueprints? ;* like a 2d paint everview of the map isnt that a bit to pr0 if the game isnt released yet?
[17:20] *{ebola}* mm, can anybody tell me anything about mp movement, how it differs from sp-demo
[17:20] *Blowfish* zwanz whats with the spaces?
[17:20] *zwanz* i dont know ;*
[17:21] *satanhateraway* well, he made it very good, a 2doverview with marks in it, where the screenshots belong to
[17:21] *zwanz* all the efford for a game thats gonna be released in 10 days or less? :O
[17:21] *rapid-* i though it was a good idea 🙂
[17:21] *Blowfish* also tieing up the plan with the movie is useful too 🙂
[17:21] *Blowfish* to get a feeling for the map
[17:21] *W4r-pkmapping* zwanz
[17:21] *W4r-pkmapping* not every1 buys it day 1
[17:21] *W4r-pkmapping* this is for the reviews i promised on the webby
[17:22] *zwanz* ah like that
[17:22] *zwanz* ok
[17:22] *zwanz* 😉
[17:22] *zwanz* i thought u gonna make TDM / 1v1 maps including all the items and spawnpoints
[17:22] *zwanz* ;|*
[17:22] *W4r-pkmapping* make?
[17:22] *W4r-pkmapping* lol
[17:22] *zwanz* draw
[17:22] *zwanz* 😉

[17:27] *tm-InFeRn0^* when will the game be released in holland
[17:28] *W4rh0g* still the 9th afaik
[17:28] *tm-InFeRn0^* nice

[17:31] *z3on* no demo ability?
[17:31] *z3on* :/
[17:31] *z3on* that sux
[17:31] *W4rh0g* i cant find command z3on
[17:31] *W4rh0g* theres a play command
[17:31] *W4rh0g* “demo” tries to play a demo
[17:31] *W4rh0g* just cant find command to fuckin record one
[17:31] *W4rh0g* 🙂
[17:34] *zwanz* w4rhog
[17:34] *zwanz* try demorec
[17:34] *W4rh0g* i have
[17:34] *zwanz* command
[17:34] *zwanz* in ut its demorec
[17:34] *zwanz* k
[17:34] *zwanz* record
[17:34] *zwanz* rec

[21:05] *W4rh0g* guys
[21:05] *W4rh0g* just finished a hour or so MP session with PCF
[21:05] *W4rh0g* and i have to say
[21:05] *W4rh0g* it fuckin rocks
[21:05] *W4rh0g* your gonna love it
[21:05] *W4rh0g* voosh is great
[21:05] *Maniax-* 🙂
[21:06] *W4rh0g* the pu’s aint obvious yet
[21:06] *W4rh0g* still workin em out
[21:07] *kSeon* so buy it immediatly?
[21:07] *kSeon* what you say
[21:07] *kSeon* 🙂
[21:07] *W4rh0g* idd
[21:07] *[mess]* what dmg does stake?
[21:07] *W4rh0g* well
[21:07] *W4rh0g* loki owned me quite a few times with it
[21:07] *W4rh0g* when i had no armour
[21:07] *W4rh0g* its dead in one shot
[21:07] *kSeon* 😐
[21:07] *W4rh0g* but its tough to hit
[21:07] *kSeon* serious ? :/
[21:07] *W4rh0g* yes
[21:07] *kSeon* railgun style ?
[21:07] *relic* it’s like qw rocket
[21:08] *W4rh0g* stake doesnt work like that
[21:08] *relic* can spawnfrag with it
[21:08] *relic* but it’s like, a lot harder to use
[21:08] *relic* ;
[21:08] *relic* due to delay
[21:08] *kSeon* i c
[21:08] *W4rh0g* idd
[21:09] *kSeon* and what bout other weaps ?
[21:09] *W4rh0g* u not seen em?
[21:09] *[mess]* whats with ssg?
[21:09] *W4rh0g* well
[21:09] *W4rh0g* nitro
[21:09] *W4rh0g* with sg
[21:09] *W4rh0g* ie combo
[21:09] *W4rh0g* kills quick
[21:09] *W4rh0g* but is a pain to use
[21:09] *[mess]* ?
[21:09] *kSeon* i have seen em
[21:09] *relic* ah yea, bryn what is this ice thing
[21:09] *kSeon* but i mean
[21:10] *relic* in mp? surely can’t be used?
[21:10] *kSeon* what bout dmg/rof
[21:10] *[mess]* btw
[21:10] *W4rh0g* yeah it is
[21:10] *[mess]* is there lg combo in pk?
[21:10] *relic* to what effect tho/
[21:10] *W4rh0g* lg combo idd
[21:10] *W4rh0g* well relic
[21:10] *Maniax-* the lg combo is same as SP
[21:10] *W4rh0g* tbh with u
[21:10] *[mess]* :[[[[[[[[[[[
[21:10] *[mess]* omg
[21:10] *[mess]* its so fucked then :[
[21:10] *Maniax-* nah
[21:10] *W4rh0g* i couldnt hit them v often with the nitro/sg
[21:10] *W4rh0g* hehehe
[21:10] *W4rh0g* its fuckin tough
[21:10] *W4rh0g* mess
[21:10] *Maniax-* sg secondry is like plasma gun in q3
[21:10] *relic* what sorta weapon is nitro?
[21:10] *kSeon* talk english pls :p
[21:11] *relic* ah right
[21:11] *relic* cool
[21:11] *W4rh0g* its a freeze type wep
[21:11] *kSeon* no short names of guns
[21:11] *kSeon* :p
[21:11] *W4rh0g* altho it doesnt freeze
[21:11] *relic* what does it do
[21:11] *W4rh0g* it slows em
[21:11] *relic* ah good
[21:11] *W4rh0g* a little
[21:11] *relic* really?
[21:11] *relic* hmm
[21:11] *W4rh0g* then u whack em
[21:11] *W4rh0g* not for long
[21:11] *W4rh0g* from the limited hit i made
[21:11] *W4rh0g* 🙂
[21:11] *kSeon* hmm
[21:11] *kSeon* what bout lvl’s ?
[21:11] *relic* levels look nice from what i’ve seen
[21:12] *W4rh0g* yeah
[21:12] *W4rh0g* well
[21:12] *relic* you played on that outdoor cobblestone one?
[21:12] *W4rh0g* DM_mine is a fun level
[21:12] *W4rh0g* u mean the one in the ss ?
[21:12] *W4rh0g* with DC
[21:12] *relic* yyes
[21:12] *W4rh0g* thats DM_illuminati
[21:12] *W4rh0g* i done a review on that
[21:12] *[mess]* W4rh0g what about netcode?
[21:12] *W4rh0g* the vids are linked on the webby
[21:12] *kSeon* and what bout your fps cuz gfx are pretty neet
[21:12] *W4rh0g* netcode is fine
[21:13] *[mess]* 🙂
[21:13] *relic* wbat do you ping bryn?
[21:13] *W4rh0g* i was pinging 30 then
[21:13] *W4rh0g* sweet as a nut
[21:13] *relic* hmm nice
[21:13] *W4rh0g* [mess]
[21:13] *relic* how is the lg?
[21:13] *[mess]* what connection you got?
[21:13] *W4rh0g* air movement extended a little
[21:13] *W4rh0g* adsl
[21:13] *W4rh0g* lg is kewl relic
[21:13] *[mess]* but what adsl/
[21:13] *kSeon* fps ?
[21:13] *[mess]* 🙂
[21:13] *kSeon* 😡
[21:13] *cow|impulse* is the lg still homing?
[21:13] *W4rh0g* 512
[21:14] *[mess]* 512/256?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* i didnt notice imp
[21:14] *[mess]* 512/128?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* 512/256
[21:14] *[mess]* damn
[21:14] *[mess]* i have 512/128
[21:14] *[mess]* :\
[21:14] *relic* won’t matter 🙂
[21:14] *W4rh0g* sure u’ll eb fine
[21:14] *W4rh0g* be
[21:14] *relic* i have 1024/256
[21:14] *[mess]* what with movement
[21:14] *W4rh0g* btw
[21:14] *nazgul* 600/128
[21:14] *W4rh0g* movement was lag free too
[21:14] *Maniax-* same here relic :*
[21:14] *cow|impulse* are the maps fun to play and do they have a good flow?
[21:14] *nazgul* whats the change in the movement?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* 800×600 on medium settings
[21:14] *nazgul* big diff?
[21:14] *[mess]* it gives you more oppurtinities for shooting?
[21:14] *W4rh0g* no problemo
[21:15] *relic* oh yea, what about the configability ?
[21:15] *kSeon* W4rh0g
[21:15] *[mess]* movemnt?
[21:15] *relic* picmip settings and stuff?
[21:15] *W4rh0g* errrr mess
[21:15] *kSeon* do you have a average fps for me ? + your specs
[21:15] *W4rh0g* there is picmip stuff
[21:15] *relic* uber
[21:15] *nazgul* what happens when you hit a ramp? :*
[21:15] *W4rh0g* on lowest settings
[21:15] *nazgul* dead stop? 😮
[21:15] *cow|impulse* are the maps fun to play and do they have a good flow?
[21:15] *W4rh0g* things look like picmip 2 or 3 to me
[21:15] *Poward1* city on water is from e3 right
[21:15] *W4rh0g* they r great fun imp
[21:16] *W4rh0g* naz
[21:16] *Poward1* cuz that build is so damn laggy
[21:16] *cow|impulse* nice
[21:16] *W4rh0g* ramp or stairs
[21:16] *[mess]* does movement gives you more opportunities for shooting while you’re in run? :O
[21:16] *nazgul* both
[21:16] *nazgul* ;*
[21:16] *W4rh0g* well
[21:16] *W4rh0g* stairs slows u RIGHT down
[21:16] *W4rh0g* ramp is a little better
[21:16] *nazgul* k
[21:16] *cow|impulse* how is the MP movement different from the SP movement?
[21:16] *W4rh0g* i can jump like fuck and still shoot peeps mess
[21:16] *kSeon* ye i noticed the slowdown on stairs in the mp leak
[21:16] *W4rh0g* its a LOT faster
[21:17] *Poward1* city on water demo, how old is that ?
[21:17] *W4rh0g* loki is working on a new map
[21:17] *cow|impulse* and the way u gain speed
[21:17] *cow|impulse* still just click when u land?
[21:17] *[mess]* ye
[21:17] *W4rh0g* yes
[21:17] *[mess]* tell me
[21:17] *[mess]* the way to gain speed
[21:17] *[mess]* is there any way to gain speed faster than forward + jump ?
[21:18] *W4rh0g* no [mess]
[21:18] *W4rh0g* not that i have found
[21:18] *[mess]* :[
[21:18] *cow|impulse* too bad 🙂
[21:18] *W4rh0g* i found i could do 180 and keep my speed tho
[21:18] *cow|impulse* i hope the game will be in shops soon
[21:18] *[mess]* everyone will move the same :[
[21:18] *cow|impulse* u made me wanna buy it W4rh0g 🙂
[21:18] *W4rh0g* imp
[21:18] *W4rh0g* its ace m8
[21:18] *W4rh0g* just spent an hour playing voosh and dm
[21:18] *W4rh0g* was great fun
[21:18] *kSeon* ye how r the game modes ?
[21:19] *W4rh0g* only tried voosh and dm so far
[21:19] *[mess]* did you play tdm?
[21:19] *W4rh0g* no
[21:19] *[mess]* eh
[21:19] *W4rh0g* not enuf ppl
[21:19] *W4rh0g* i joined a tdm server
[21:19] *[mess]* 2v2 even?
[21:19] *W4rh0g* no
[21:19] *W4rh0g* 3 peeps
[21:19] *W4rh0g* me n 2 pcf
[21:19] *[mess]* what about skins?
[21:19] *kSeon* =]
[21:19] *W4rh0g* 4 skins
[21:19] *W4rh0g* as per webby
[21:19] *[mess]* different sounds?
[21:19] *[mess]* for each
[21:19] *[mess]* ?
[21:19] *kSeon* can you lock the nme skins like in q3 ? :/
[21:19] *W4rh0g* there were some new statements
[21:19] *W4rh0g* “stylish”
[21:20] *W4rh0g* “Useless”
[21:20] *W4rh0g* etc
[21:20] *kSeon* so you see them as one skin only (the most visible) 😡
[21:20] *W4rh0g* think so kSeon
[21:20] *kSeon* great
[21:20] *kSeon* 🙂
[21:20] *kSeon* you made me wanna buy it m8

[21:22] *W4rh0g* btw
[21:22] *cow|impulse* u should post this irc log on ESR W4rh0g
[21:22] *W4rh0g* [pcf] loki working on new map
[21:22] *cow|impulse* many people will want to read it
[21:22] *kSeon* ye
[21:22] *kSeon* lot’s o info
[21:22] *cow|impulse* filter out the good stuff
[21:22] *Hungry* yep
[21:22] *W4rh0g* on ESR? *cough**splutter*
[21:22] *Maniax-* hes writing a review
[21:22] *[mess]* 🙂
[21:22] *W4rh0g* u mean
[21:22] *W4rh0g* ?
[21:23] *Hungry* on pkeuro
[21:23] *kSeon* :]
[21:23] *W4rh0g* 😉
[21:23] *cow|impulse* also fine
[21:23] *Hungry* then link on esr 😉
[21:23] *cow|impulse* but make a post in the comments
[21:23] *cow|impulse* 🙂
[21:23] *cow|impulse* ye
[21:23] *W4rh0g* yeah ok
[21:23] *cow|impulse* looking forward to it l:)
[21:23] *W4rh0g* i stick it in my column
[21:23] *cow|impulse* include all the stuff we asked :p
[21:23] *W4rh0g* i will
[21:24] *cow|impulse* oh yeah
[21:24] *cow|impulse* one more question
[21:24] *W4rh0g* ?
[21:24] *cow|impulse* what extras does it have like demo recording, mvd, gtv or other stuff?
[21:24] *W4rh0g* well
[21:24] *cow|impulse* built-in
[21:24] *W4rh0g* so far i couldnt find the demo record command
[21:24] *W4rh0g* gonna email loki now tho
[21:24] *cow|impulse* ok
[21:24] *W4rh0g* as far as i can see
[21:24] *W4rh0g* theres no gtv etc

And thats the lot. Hope it was at least a little interesting 🙂