Just a quick update on where we are with respect to sign ups for the 2v2 league. 7 teams have signed up thus far. These are:
D&M – Akiles / SombrA
SĀ² – SaxonBeast / ScOoBzOr / eSrem
First-Gaming – Clains / Xhep
VGA – ChOu / BiChO
unlucky – flo / nOs
xplosionZ – God of Shaolin / TelekilleR / iNzaNe
GNFOS – [VIP]Radical / team9|tRONic / ([VIP]dREk)
kaszanka squad – Stork / Hitman
2ofakind – u4ea / koshiko
myhavoC.pk – myhavoC|aLx / myhavoC|clarkY / myhavoC|Ju7i
noobs.at – Orion / Smubob / mETa
Team Matrix – TM|Crazy / TM|Rospo
Kippari Kallet – eizid / beam / kahoona
5 spots left open…
If you think you can defeat any (or all?) of the teams above, and fancy some organised 2v2 competition on a Wednesday evening, read the news post below and drop me a mail. I foresee the league kicking off in a week or two.