
From DC Forums (link)

The final game of these Cup ist at Saturday 20:00 CET(paris, rome , berlin ) .

We have a german Livestream So if u are understand german then listen ! ( no movie , only shoutcast )

Link : Livestream //

( 19-22:00 CET the Stream is on air )

// No professional Caster , only xerox and me ^^ // << all news --- --- #antrx.cup << IRC --- So long , be tuned paddy aka AnTrX | Sly`

dignitas|Worre Wins IndeWEB Cup

Tonight saw RiZe|Aim and dignitas|worre play the final of the IndeWEB ( ) Painkiller Challenge Cup #1. Both players are from Sweden and are bootcamping along with Tybalt. Both players reach the final having played against the likes of SK|SteLam, e-star|Ztrider, dignitas|canna and|vicious to name a few.

The first map was DM_Sacred (worres map choice), which saw a tentative start by both players. Worre managed to get solid map control and rack up the frags. Despite Aims efforts, the score finished: Worre 15 – 13 Aim

The second map was DM_Absinthe (Aims map choice), which saw Worre get early control. With some impressive stake use by Worre putting stop to Aims comebacks at times. Worre finishing ten frags ahead; Final score: Worre 19 – 9 Aim

With CPL Spain only 10 days away, it will be interesting to see how these players fair there.

You can find the complete results here :

xiLe Painkiller 2v2 TDM Cup

xiLe clan have announced that they will be holding a 2v2 TDM cup starting on April 30th May 7th. The Cup will consist of 32 teams and will be played according to the relevant CPL rules through a double elimination tournament. Two maps will be played per match, from sacred, psycho, cursed and illuminati; with a possible deciding map played in the event of a draw.

To sign up for the tournament, email with the following information:

Name of team
Names of players ( up to 6 per team )
Contact member & Email

You can find out more about the tournament over at

*UPDATE* psycho has now been replaced by meatless.

FireBlade Jitterbug Fix

Over on the CPL forums, Fireblade has posted a solution for players with nvidia graphics cards and audigy sound cards, experiencing occasionally hitching while playing PK.

You can find the thread here, with a more detailed step-by-step guide here.

The fix includes installing the latest drivers for each piece of hardware, as well as some tweaks and checks.

The results of the tweak are to improve the smoothness of rendering within PK, as well as resolving the occasional hitching experienced by some gamers with this configuration.

IndeWEB Cup Hits Quarter Finals

Tonight saw IndeWEB ( host the second day of their Painkiller Challenge Cup #1. The Cup consists of single elimination brackets, starting from a huge 128 players. The Cup makes use of the CPL rules, and latest PK++ over an astonishing 25 servers.

As partly expected, early rounds had a large number of defaults. But the later rounds provides some interesting results; most notably, Aim beating Stelam, and Worre beating Ztrider. The games were covered live by TsN ( by TsN|Stile and TsN|Dusty.

You can view the current brackets here.

The final games take place on the Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th next week with the top three going on to recieve mouse and mousemats as prizes.