Meatless Added to CPL Map List

The CPL ( has announced that it is to include DM_Meatless as one of the four maps in the primary map list for the World Tour. DM_Meatless is currently included as part of the Steamfish update, so no doubt most gamers already have it on their machines, as well as (hopefully )it being on most servers.

You can find the announcement here:;f=30;t=000200

Automatic Update for PK++ Server

The following batch file will:

1. Keep your Windows server online
2. Update automatically to the latest PK++ whenever you restart it

It is recommended you set an rcon password, so that you can connect and \rcon quit to force a server restart.

If you are running Painserver.exe or any other executable you will need to edit the commandline as applicable.

Create a batch file with the following text in \bin\ , use at your own risk:

painkiller -dedicated -cfg config.ini -lscripts pkplus.pak -start
rem crude wait to make sure pk has quit
PING -n 1 -w 30000 >NUL
cd ..\data\
updater.exe silent
cd ..\Bin\
goto start

Converting 1.62 Demos to 1.64

Firstly grab the CPL demos here:

You then need to hex edit the demo to alter the version number which is near the start of the file.

Download a freeware hex editor here, and open the demo file using it.

On the first line or so, on the right hand side, you will see a 1.62, change the 2 to a 4 to make 1.64. Save, watch 🙂

BOOH Brightskins

Valid brightskins in BOOH are now:

Red, Green, Blue
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Black, White

These are set in the config here:

Cfg.BrightskinEnemy = “Red”
Cfg.BrightskinTeam = “Blue”

With Cfg.FixedColors = true, Cfg.BrightskinTeam refers to the team named ‘blue’ on the scoreboard, and Cfg.BrightskinEnemy to the other.

With Cfg.FixedColors = false, Cfg.BrightskinEnemy always refers to the opposing team, and Cfg.BrightskinTeam always to your own team colour.