STEP 3: Zoning

One of the key factors in improving your FPS on your maps is breaking the map up into zones which can be rendered separately. If this is not done, the engine will render the whole map at once, while will take much more processing time.

Zones work like virtual rooms; while you are standing within one room, only that room will be rendered. Ignoring for a second what you can see through the door (into other rooms), it is easy to see that only rendering the room you are in will dramatically improve FPS.

A zone actually consists of an invisible box which sits around your room, and fully encompasses as much of it as possible. It is, to all intents and purposes, the rooms bounding box. Zones much be undistorted, unskewed cuboids, with zone somewhere once in the mesh name within Maya.

The view through the doors is covered by portals. A portal is a single plane object, which MUST lie on one of the faces of two adjacent zones.



Clan Check Six

Across the pond in the USA, Clan Check Six, (which gained limited notoriety with activities in the CPLs online amateur sister organisation, the CAL, through Counterstrike) has seen more player movements ahead of the Winter CPL.

ESLive reports that Destrukt, arguably the best gamer in North America, has joined Brian DKT Flanders joins the existing PK lineup of Bio, Gimix, and elpajuo and Lexer (of Q3 fame).

The existance of clans in a game where the existing netcode has limited online play to duelling only, would have to call into question the real meaning of clans here. The most obvious incentive for the clans for PK thus far is purely financial in terms of collective sponsorship. Lets hope this has reason to change soon.


Painkiller Custom Pak Extractor

I noticed this over on fleabays Church Of Mod website:

As a lot of you will know, originally for Painkiller pak extraction/compilation, commonly used by Chains/Comp mod etc, used Multiexs extractor plus PK plugin to extract the data files from Painkiller ( , ). Using this you can open up LScript.pak which contains the games lua (or chains etc) and tweak to your hearts content.

It seems now that Multiex has gone a step further and released a tool specifically for PK.

You can find the tool, which weighs in at ~75KB, here:

Enjoy 🙂

Online 4k Jolt Qualifier

The 4K Jolt online qualifier for the forthcoming Bloodlan has started, with the double-elimination tournament being played to narrow down the non-seeded attendees for the tournament which takes place in London on the 3rd-5th December.

The online qualifier is still in early days with the no-shows being weeded out before the real gaming can begin.

You can find coverage about the qualifier here:

Demos Section Open!

Some of you may have already noticed that a new demos page is now up, with the demos being gradually added.

The most important feature of this page is that you can add and edit your own demos, and screenshots. The demo files are then hosted by pkeuro. Currently upload size is set to 2MB for demos and 512KB for screenshots.

The demos page itself allows you to sort and filter out the demos you want, based on country, player, version, event, map etc.

Moreover it allows us to collect a database of pk demos where there has been a demo-famine up til now with high skilled players being very protective of their tactics. Feel free to contribute.