NewPK 0.2

NewPK 0.2 changelog

-Removed videos at startup
-New Main Menu background
-Added “NewPK Options” menu
-Added 2 minutes overtime for Duel, TDM and CTF modes
-Added frag messages
-Added “player -vs- player” text during Duel warm up
-Electro+Driver Combo: reduced range and increased required ammo to 75
-Ammos: reduced the amount of ammo you pick up from Freezer and Shurykens ammo packs
-Maps: various changes on DM_New_Psycho; partially fixed teleporter textures on “New” maps (thx PeTjA)
-Compiled the scripts, increasing code efficiency and locking the game to possible cheaters
-Increased hitsounds/killsound quality (thx to Jeremy “Mogul” Emerson)
-Fixed ammolist bug
-“Addbot” command for listen servers (the bot will just idle; to remove it change/reload the map)

Previous features and more info in the readme.

Download NewPK 0.2 from HERE

Here is a list of NewPK 0.2 servers: [ITA] (you can callvote maxplayers and gamemode here) [DE] (password: rami)

When there will be new servers (soon) i will write here

NewPK 0.1

This mod does not want to change too much PKโ€™s gameplay, it just try to make it more fair and fun.
I made it because PK is a game i liked a lot (even if its obviously not perfect:) and it was sad to see it dying hated by so much people.
Remember this is a 0.1 version: everything is still in testing and could be changed.

NewPK 0.1 features

-New Stakegun damage system: if you have between 1 and 10 stakes ammo (like when you spawn;), your stakes damage will be 100; if you have more than 10 stakes ammo, your stakes damage will be 165 and stakes will have a flaming graphic effect.

-Telefrags removed

-Weapons balance changes:
.Removed Electro esponential damage increase (that made it so overpowered)
.Electro + Driver combo is back! The electrified shuryken inflicts lot of damage in a small area for few seconds but requires 50 Electro ammo.
.Shurykens explode on impact; explosions damage reduced.
.25% increase in stake-nade blast and 12% increase in its radius.
.Doubled Freezer bolt speed.
.Decreased Painkiller combo damage from 300 to 150.
.Increased damage and radius of Boltgun/Heater.
.Increased SMG damage.

-New version of PK maps: these maps have some small changes to fit properly the NewPK gameplay features (to list all changes would be too long…the most “untouched” map is Sacred anyway).
.Completed ones: DM_New_Psycho, DM_New_Q3DM6, DM_New_Absinthe, DM_New_Sacred, DM_New_Meatless.

NOTE: if you dont have the base DM_1v1_meatless and DM_q3dm6_pain maps you will have problems running the “New” versions!
Download them from the following links (and put the .pkm files in Paikiller/Data folder):

-Jumpad bug fixed

-Increased Bronze armorโ€™s protection from 33% to 40%

-New customizable HUD (look below for the console commands)

-Hitsounds and killsound

-Binded “vote yes” and “vote no” commands to F1 and F2

-Added Minigun to PCF gamemode

-DMPCF_Mandra2 included: best map for PCF gamemode

-Fixed Voosh gamemode (missing weapons added)

-Secret MP player models unlocked

More info in the readme.txt inside the .rar

Download NewPK 0.1 from HERE

PK Few Tricks Video

This is what Scoobz said:

Yes ladies and gentelman,

I deared to make a painkiller movie, to conquer the painkiller record bugs and make something of it.

Here you see some random painkiller jumps and I hope you will enjoy it atleast a little but . If you played painkiller you will recognise some maps, the only map that is not very famous is jump_01 which I putted in the winrar if you would like to play it when you have the game.

hf ^^.


This map is a mix between q1s famous dm6 and dm_psycho.
It could be good both for 1v1 and 2v2.
Remember it is a BETA: if it will be liked, more work will be done on it (textures, lighting, pk teleporters, a real name ๐Ÿ™‚ and items placement is not definitive too.
Write here your suggestions or contact me at #pkmaps !



To install: put the .pkm file in /painkiller/data , then you will find DM_Q1DM6 in the mappool ๐Ÿ™‚

Note: ElectroDriver is in the map…you will need a rocketjump to pick it ๐Ÿ˜‰