MiniMod 0.15 released

MiniMod 0.15 version its ready and avaliable for download. In this version we will be able to find among others the following features:
Hitsounds, Timer, Ammo list, etc.

And several features more. For the correct operation of this MiniMod is necessary to uninstall of any previous mod and have the patch 1.35 of the Painkiller installed. If u have any of previous MiniMod versions installed, u can overwrite it. For more information and download:


All days we read/hear/view news about death.

This time, the death come near me, to my country, and then I can feel it more closely, and then I hate the ppl who kill, who kill in the name of crazy thoughts, anyone they are.

Today Madrid (Spanish capital) was hit by the bombs of the death, the bombs that were put on the trains, the trains where go to work/study people like me, people like you.

For those who today died without reason, for those goes my litle letters, maybe tomorrow will be a better day, maybe not, today I lost my faith, tomorrow I will be here, they not.
