Now, I guess it
NOTE: this is for painkiller 1.35.
*** UPDATE ***
If you have another version of PK than the English language one, download language fix for CPL Mod here:
Now, I guess it
NOTE: this is for painkiller 1.35.
*** UPDATE ***
If you have another version of PK than the English language one, download language fix for CPL Mod here:
If you havent heard the gossip yet, me, worre and sh1ny are making the competition mod for the upcoming Winter CPL event.
Were currently looking for a person who knows a bit of this and that about HUD scripting in Painkiller. This news is very urgent, as you probably knows that the CPL Winter event is only 7 days away.
So if you know a bit of LUA scripting language and a bit about HUD coding, send me (cubik) a message on Quakenet IRC. You can find me and the other members of our modding team from #painkiller.euro in Quakenet.
Be quick 🙂 – Download and extract to Painkiller/Data
Hello everyone. Last night I heard that there is nobody working on a chainsmod/minimod-like modification for BooH, so I decided to create the most important part by myself: the hitsounds (well, tbh I copypasted most of the stuff from the old chainsmod).
Anyways, Blowfish asked me to write an article about how I did it, so here goes 🙂
So first, I downloaded the PK .pak extractor, which is posted in the minor news section of this site.
Next step was to extract Booh
After that I started looking up for stuff from both the Booh
if Player and Player.ClientID == killerID and (player == nil or player ~= Player) and Cfg.CM_HitSounds then
local hstype = “../../Chains.Mod.Data/Sounds/”..Cfg.CM_HitSound
After this one, there was some statscripts, which I didnt want to use. Naturally, I wasnt using the Cfg.CM_Hitsound-variables, so I just changed the code to fit in to my plans:
if Player and Player.ClientID == killerID and (player == nil or player ~= Player)
local hstype = “../Hitsounds/hitsound”
Then I added it to the same location (in the CPlayer:Client_OnDamage-function) at the BooH
DoFile(“../Data/Hitsounds/Loader.lua”) <- Loads the main loader for Hitsounds-mod.
… original booh Loader.lua stuff …
path = “../Data/Hitsounds/” <- set variable
DoFile(path..”Classes/CPlayer.lua”) <- load the modified CPlayer.lua
And bang, I was done! I also created a killsound, but you
I didnt get this stuff working inside a .pak-file for some reason, so if anyone knows how to get custom paks working, send me a message.
cubik over and out.