CPL WT Brazil demos uploaded!

The demos/replays from CPL WT Brazil has been uploaded by CPL. Seems like CPL have learned a lesson and surprised many by uploading the demos directly after the event was finished, good job CPL. There are plenty of good matches to see and learn from. Too bad that the demo playback is not perfect but hopefully they will fix that sometime in the future.

Here are some links to the Grand Final:

border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/nl.gif /> Sander “Vo0” Kaasjager vs border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/us.gif /> Johnathan “Fatal1ty” Wendel

Map: Sacred x 5

_blank href=”http://demos.thecpl.com/World_Tour/Brazil/fnatic_Vo0-fatal1ty.DM_Sacred.28-05-05-17-38-47.zip”>Round 1

_blank href=”http://demos.thecpl.com/World_Tour/Brazil/fnatic_Vo0-fatal1ty.DM_Sacred.28-05-05-17-56-12.zip”>Round 2

_blank href=”http://demos.thecpl.com/World_Tour/Brazil/fnatic_Vo0-fatal1ty.DM_Sacred.28-05-05-18-12-48.zip”>Round 3

_blank href=”http://demos.thecpl.com/World_Tour/Brazil/fnatic_Vo0-fatal1ty.DM_Sacred.28-05-05-18-37-34.zip”>Round 4

_blank href=”http://demos.thecpl.com/World_Tour/Brazil/fnatic_Vo0-fatal1ty.DM_Sacred.28-05-05-18-53-42.zip”>Round 5

The rest of the demos you could find in the WT Brazil catalouge – _blank href=”http://demos.thecpl.com/World_Tour/Brazil/”>http://demos.thecpl.com/World_Tour/Brazil/

The files are now zipped..


dREk – _blank href=”http://www.team-vip.se/”>www.team-vip.se

CPL WT Brazil Results..

CPL WT Brazil has comed to an end and the winner of the tournament is Sander “vo0” Kaasjager from fnatic. Seemed like the whole event went pretty smoothly and there were some surprises in this tournament like Booms finishing top 8.

Here is the results from CPL WT border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/br.gif /> Brazil:

01. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/nl.gif /> Sander “Vo0” Kaasjager – $15,000
02. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/us.gif /> Johnathan “Fatal1ty” Wendel – $10,000
03. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/de.gif /> Benjamin “zyz” Bohrmann – $7,000
04. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/se.gif /> Alex “Ztrider” Ingarv – $5,000
05. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/it.gif /> Alessandro “Stermy” Avallone – $3,500
06. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/de.gif /> Stephan “SteLam” Lammert – $2,500
07. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/ca.gif /> Andrew “gellehsak” Ryder – $1,750
08. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/it.gif /> Vincenzo “Booms” D Aurelio – $1,250
09-12. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/it.gif /> Nicola “ForresT” Geretti – $625
09-12. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/us.gif /> Sean “Daler” Price – $625
09-12. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/us.gif /> Mark “wombat” Larsen – $625
09-12. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/ru.gif /> Alexey “LeXeR” Nesterov – $625
13-16. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/se.gif /> Johan “sakh” Hessedahl – $375
13-16. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/se.gif /> Viktor “worre” Liljeblad – $375
13-16. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/uk.gif /> David “Zaccubus” Treacy – $375
13-16. border: 1px solid #c7c7c7 alt= src=http://www.team-vip.se/images/flags/it.gif /> Riccardo “Vicious” Zanocchio – $375

//dREk – _blank href=”http://www.team-vip.se”>www.team-vip.se

CPL WT Sweden Registration..

The Sweden World Tour Stop is scheduled to take place June 16-19, 2005 during (_blank href=”http://www.dreamhack.se”>DreamHack – the world’s largest computer festival – in Jönköping at the Elmia Exhibition Center (_blank href=”http://www.elmia.se”>www.elmia.se) .

Jönköping is one of the leading transport, logistics and communications centers in Europe and the Elmia Exhibition Center is internationally known for exhibitions and trade fairs. Jönköping also offers a wide variety of cultural venues, including theaters, museums, a large concert hall, art galleries and a range of other cultural attractions. Players who register for the official $50,000 Painkiller competition will get the opportunity to participate in a cultural tour of the city.

Attendees of this World Tour Stop can receive a discounted hotel rate of $80USD/night for a double room at one of two Scandia Hotel properties, the Scandia Elmia or the Scandia Portalen. Reservations must be made by phone, and attendees should use the keyword “DreamHack” to receive the discounted rate.

Competitors can register for this event for a $50 registration fee at _blank href=”http://www.thecpl.com/register/”>www.thecpl.com/register/.

Source: _blank href=”http://www.thecpl.com”>www.thecpl.com

//dREk – _blank href=”http://www.team-vip.se”>www.team-vip.se

World Tour Stop Changed!

The CPL announced that it has revised the sequence of its $1,000,000 World Tour Stops to accept an invitation to host the Swedish stop at the world’s largest computer festival: DreamHack. The Swedish World Tour stop, hosting a $50,000 one-versus-one Painkiller competition, will now take place June 16-19, 2005 in Jonkoping, Sweden at the Elmia Convention Center.

Over 5,000 gamers are expected to attend the DreamHack festival this year. The online registration for the Swedish stop will launch next week at the CPL’s registration website located at www.thecpl.com/register/. Furthermore, the stop in Germany has been moved to August and the stop in the United Kingdom to September.

For more info go to CPL`s Homepage at: www.thecpl.com

CPL Interviews!

It`s only 1 day left to the CPL WT Spain event in Barcelona!
I therefore took the opportunity to feel the pulse on two gamers from the swedish bootcamp, Ztrider from e-star and Radical from team VIP.

Hopefully this could give you a hint of what their expectations are and how they feel in general for the event. Other than that some general and personal questions were asked as well..

The interviews could be find on www.team-vip.se.